




从中外科研文化建设对比谈思想文化史与科技史, 王永俊, 科技创业月刊, 18-9, 2014, 中国工程物理研究院 四川 绵阳 621900

梅文鼎与西学:“礼失求野”与“西学中源”, 张兆鑫、赵万里, 自然辩证法研究, 30:(164-70, 2014, 南开大学 周恩来政府管理学院,天津,300071

东西方科学思维的“半球风格”, 蒋谦, 自然辩证法研究, 30:(171-77, 2014, 湖北省社会科学院 哲学所,武汉,430077

自然与奇迹:论施莱尔马赫有关奇迹的形而上学批判, 闻骏, 自然辩证法研究, 30:(282-86, 2014, 华中科技大学 哲学系,武汉,430074

从派勒格林尼的小磁球到吉尔伯特的微地球, 陶培培, 自然辩证法研究, 30:(287-93, 2014, 上海交通大学 科技史与科学文化研究院,上海,201100



吐鲁番眼笼考, 陆锡兴, 中国国家博物馆馆刊, 126期:(169-74, 2014, 南昌大学中文系,南昌,330031



莱布尼茨的实体思想及其意义, 张璐, 自然辩证法研究, 30:(276-81, 2014, 北京师范大学 哲学与社会学学院,北京,100875




我国激光惯性约束聚变实验与诊断技术早期研究历史, 王传珂、江少恩、丁永坤, 物理, 43:(2120-126, 2014, 中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心 绵阳 621900; 中国工程物理研究院惯约实施管理中心绵阳 621900

丹心留青史--中国理论物理界的杰出代表侯伯宇, 班俊义, 中华魂,     152-54, 2014,

玻尔原子结构理论的历史重构, 邢如萍, 科学技术哲学研究, 31:(176-80, 2014, 太原师范学院 思政部,太原,030012



达尔文进化论对人类发展观念的深刻影响, 麻海山, 自然辩证法研究, 30:(178-82, 2014, 内蒙古师范大学 马克思主义学院,呼和浩特,010022

西北太平洋海岸带大弹涂鱼复合体的隐存种与进化历史, 陈卉、 Gianluca POLGAR、殷维、傅萃长, 水生生物学报, 38:(175-86, 2014, 复旦大学生物多样性科学研究所,生物多样性与生态工程教育部重点实验室,上海 200433




江苏稻田养鱼的发展历史及生物多样性分析, 李昕升、王思明, 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版), 109期:(1139-144, 2014, 南京农业大学中华农业文明研究院,江苏南京210095



两次鸦片战争时期中西火炮射程研究, 刘鸿亮, 科学技术哲学研究, 31:(181-86, 2014, 1.河南科技大学 马克思主义学院,河南 洛阳,4710032.鸦片战争博物馆,广东 虎门,523900



泉州老城历史空间网络体系建构, 孙丹妮, 山西建筑,     23-4, 2014, 华侨大学建筑学院,福建厦门,361021










Brokering Instruments in Napoleon's Europe: The Italian Journeys of Franz Xaver von Zach (1807–1814), Ivano Dal Prete, Annals of Science, 711):82-101, 2014

Evolutionary Restraints: The Contentious History of Group Selection, Richard Barnett, Annals of Science, 711):106-107, 2014



The natural and cultural landscape of Naples (southern Italy) during the Graeco-Roman and Late Antique periods, Elda Russo Ermolli, Paola Romano, Maria Rosaria Ruello, Maria Rosaria Barone Lumaga, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42 :399-411, 2014

Macrophysical Climate Modeling, economy, and social organization in Early Bronze Age Anatolia, Bülent Arıkan, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43:38-54, 2014

Global CrisisWar, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century, Robert J. Mayhew, Journal of Historical Geography, 43:185-186, 2014

Natural Disasters and Indian History, George Adamson, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  186, 2014

A Land Between WatersEnvironmental Histories of Modern Mexico, Matthew C. LaFevor, Journal of Historical Geography, 43:187, 2014

Laboring the Earth: Transnational Reflections on the Environmental History of Work, Stefania Barca, Environmental History, 19 1):3-27, 2014

Fleeing the Flowing Commons: Robert Thom, Water Reservoir Schemes, and the Shift to Steam Power in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain, Andreas Malm, Environmental History, 19 1):55-77, 2014

From Sublime Landscapes to “White Gold”: How Skiing Transformed the Alps after 1930, Andrew Denning, Environmental History, 19 1):78-108, 2014

The Turning Points of Environmental History, J. Donald Hughes, Environmental History, 19 1):120-122, 2014

US Environmental History: Inviting Doomsday, Craig E. Colten, Environmental History, 19 1):122-123, 2014

Animal Cities: Beastly Urban Histories, Tobias J. Lanz, Environmental History, 19 1):127-129, 2014

Land & Sea: Environmental History in Atlantic Canada, Tina Loo, Environmental History, 19 1):129-131, 2014

China: Its Environment and History, Micah S. Muscolino, Environmental History, 19 1):131-133, 2014

Car Country: An Environmental History, Rudi Volti, Environmental History, 19 1):141-142, 2014

Tibet Wild: A Naturalist's Journeys on the Roof of the World, E. Elena Songster, Environmental History, 19 1):142-144, 2014

Thirst: Water and Power in the Ancient World, Susan A. Curry, Environmental History, 19 1):148-149, 2014

Remaking Wormsloe Plantation: The Environmental History of a Lowcountry Landscape, Mary Richie McGuire, Environmental History, 19 1):153-155, 2014

Changing Lanes: Visions and Histories of Urban Freeways, Christopher Wells, Environmental History, 19 1):157-159, 2014

Nation and Nature Preservation in France and England in the Nineteenth Century, Charles-François Mathis, Environment and History, 20 9-39, 2014

‘The holy property of the entirety of the people’: The Struggle for the ‘German Forest’ in Prussia, 1871–1914, Jeffrey K. Wilson, Environment and History, 20 41-65, 2014

‘Not A Drop of Water...’: State, Modernity and the Production of Nature in Spain, 1898–2010, Erik Swyngedouw, Environment and History, 20 67-92, 2014

Nature and Identity in the Construction of the Romanian Concept of Nation, Valentin Quintus Nicolescu, Environment and History, 20 123-141, 2014

The Aesthetics of the Volga and National Narratives in Russia, Dorothy Zeisler-Vralsted, Environment and History, 20 :93-122, 2014








The glass of the “Casa delle Bestie Ferite”a first systematic archaeometric study on Late Roman vessels from Aquileia, Filomena Gallo, Alessandra Marcante, Alberta Silvestri, Gianmario Molin, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41 :7-20, 2014

Autochthonous anisotropy of archaeological materials by the action of water:experimental and archaeological reassessment of the orientation patterns at the Olduvai sites, M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, D. Uribelarrea, M. Santonja, H.T. Bunn, A. García-Pérez, A. Pérez-González, J. Panera, S. Rubio-Jara, A. Mabulla, E. Baquedano, J. Yravedra, F. Diez-Martín, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41:44-68, 2014

Neolithic diffusion of obsidian in the western Mediterraneannew data from Iberia, Xavier Terradas, Bernard Gratuze, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  69-78, 2014

PRAGISa test case for a web-based archaeological GIS, Jon-Paul P. McCool, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  133-139, 2014

Are bigger flakes always better? An experimental assessment of flake size variation on cutting efficiency and loading, Alastair J.M. Key, Stephen J. Lycett, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41:140-146, 2014

Discovery of indigoid-containing clay pellets from La Blanca significance with regard to the preparation and use of Maya Blue, Antonio Doménech-Carbó, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41 :147-155, 2014

Combining radiocarbon and single-grain optically stimulated luminescence methods to accurately date pre-ceramic irrigation canals, Tucson, Arizona, Gary Huckleberry, Tammy Rittenour, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41 :156-170, 2014

Settlement patterns in the late Mesolithic of western Scotland the implications of Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates and inter-site technological comparisons, K. Wicks, A. Pirie, S.J. Mithen, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41:406-422, 2014

Continuity and resilience in the central Georgia Bight (USA) fishery between 2760 BC and AD 1580, Elizabeth J. Reitz, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  716-731, 2014

Social differentiation and land use at an Early Iron Age “princely seat”: bioarchaeological investigations at the Glauberg (Germany), Corina Knipper, Christian Meyer, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  818-835, 2014

Arsenical copper and bronze in Middle Bronze Age burial sites of southern Portugal the first bronzes in Southwestern Iberia, Pedro Valério, António M. Monge Soares, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42  68-80, 2014

Early Neolithic household behavior at Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Upper Khabur, Syria)a comparison to ethnoarchaeological study of phytoliths and dung spherulites, Marta Portillo, Seiji Kadowaki, Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Rosa M. Albert, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42 107-118, 2014

An historic sign, possible Mesolithic menhir, DStretch, and problems in dating rock art to the Sauveterrian in the Massif de Fontainebleau, Duncan Caldwell, Ulrika Botzojorns, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42   140-151, 2014

Investigating the tool marks of stone reliefs from the Mausoleum of Cao Cao (AD155–AD220) in China, Zhou Gu, Weibin Pan, Guoding Song, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43 31-37, 2014

Clay Pipes and Smoking Paraphernalia from the Kitten Shipwreck, an Early Nineteenth-Century Black Sea Merchantman, Kroum N. Batchvarov, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 18 1):1-19, 2014

Historical Archaeology of Lavras do AbadeAn Environmental Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Brazil, Diogo M. Costa, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 18 1:20-36, 2014




La via delle acque (1500–1700). Appropriazione delle arti e trasformazione delle matematiche, Steffen Ducheyne, Annals of Science, 711):104-105, 2014

Geometric division problems, quadratic equations, and recursive geometric algorithms in Mesopotamian mathematics, Jöran Friberg, Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 68 1) 1-34, 2014

Descartes and the Bologna affair, GIDEON MANNING, THE BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, 47 1) :1-13, 2014

On the origins and foundations of Laplacian determinism, Marij van Strien, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 45 24-31, 2014

On the equivalence of Goodman’s and Hempel’s paradoxes, Kenneth Boyce, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 45 32-42, 2014

Bayesian pseudo-confirmation, use-novelty, and genuine confirmation, Gerhard Schur, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 45 87-96, 2014

Prediction and accommodation revisited, John Worral, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 45 54-61, 2014

Mobility and Migration of Spanish Mathematicians during the Years around the Spanish Civil War and World War II, José M. Pacheco, Science in Context, 27 1 109-141, 2014

John Pell’s mathematical papers and the Royal Society’s English Atlas, 1678–82, Daisy Hildyar,  Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 29 1):18-31, 2014

Chunk and Permeate The Infinitesimals of Isaac Newton, David John Sweeneya, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35 1):1-23, 2014

Nineteenth Century British Logic on Hypotheticals, Conditionals, and Implication, Francine F. Abelesa, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35 1):24-37, 2014

A Note on Strict Implication (1935), C. I. Lewis & C. H. Langford, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35 1):44-49, 2014

Do We Need Mathematical Facts?, Wojciech Krysztofiaka, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35 1):76-107, 2014

Chaocipher Exhibit 5: History, Analysis, and Solution of Cryptologia's 1990 Challenge, Jeff Calof, Cryptologia, 381):1-25, 2014

The Making of KECCAK, Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Cryptologia, 381):26-60, 2014

The Russian Fish with Caviar, Randy Rezabek, Cryptologia, 381):61-76, 2014

John Matthews Manly: The Collier's Articles, John F. Dooley, Cryptologia, 381):77-88, 2014

Review of Mechanisches Memorieren und Chiffrieren um 1430: Johannes Fontanas Tractatus de instrumentis artis memorie by Horst Kranz and Walter Oberschelp, Gerhard F. Strasser, Cryptologia, 381):96-101, 2014




Science and the arts in William Henry's research into inflammable air during the Early Nineteenth Century, Leslie Tomory, Annals of Science, 711):61-81, 2014

Nucleus and Nation: Scientists, International Networks, and Power in India, Somaditya Banerjee, Annals of Science, 711):107-110, 2014

Traditions and Transformations in the History of Quantum Physics - edited by Shaul Katzir, Christoph Lehner, and Jürgen Renn, Helge Kragh, Centaurus, 56 1):58-59, 2014

More Insight from Physics into the Construction of the Egyptian Pyramids, H. J. de Haan, Archaeometry, 56 1):145-174, 2014

Quantum frames, Matthew J. Brown, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 45 :1-10, 2014

Interpreting the Modal Kochen–Specker theoremPossibility and many worlds in quantum mechanics, Christian de Ronde, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 45  11-18, 2014

Heisenberg's observability principle, Johanna Wolff, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 45  19-26, 2014

To envision a new particle or change an existing law? Hypothesis formation and anomaly resolution for the curious case of the β decay spectrum, Tjerk Gauderis, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 45  27-45, 2014

On the CPT theorem, Hilary Greaves, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 45  46-65, 2014

Dark matter, the Equivalence Principle and modified gravity, Adán Sus, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 45  66-71, 2014

Bohr's way to defining complementarity, Alberto De Gregorio, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 45  72-82, 2014

A Proposal for a Bohmian Ontology of Quantum Gravity, Antonio Vassallo, Foundations of Physics, 44 1  1-18, 2014

On the Consistency of the Consistent Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics, Elias Okon, Foundations of Physics, 44 1  19-33, 2014

Strongly Incompatible Quantum Devices, Teiko Heinosaari, Takayuki Miyadera, Daniel Reitzner, Foundations of Physics, 44 1):34-57, 2014

Null-Result Detection and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Correlations, Luiz Carlos Ryff, Foundations of Physics, 44 1):58-70, 2014

Complete Measurements of Quantum Observables, Juha-Pekka Pellonpää, Foundations of Physics, 44 1  71-90, 2014

Why Gauge?, Carlo Rovelli, Foundations of Physics, 44 1  91-104, 2014




Image and Reality: Kekulé, Kopp, and the Scientific Imagination, Jeffrey Allan Johnson, Annals of Science, 711):121-123, 2014

The source of chemical bonding, Paul Needham, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 45 1-13, 2014

Novelty, coherence, and Mendeleev’s periodic table, Samuel Schindle, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 45 62-69, 2014






Swedenborg's Lunars, Simon Schaffer, Annals of Science, 711):2-26, 2014

From William Hyde Wollaston to Alexander von Humboldt - Star Spectra and Celestial Landscape, Jürgen Teichmann, Annals of Science, 711):27-60, 2014

Higher Speculations: Grand Theories and Failed Revolutions in Physics and Cosmology, Henry Folsea, Annals of Science, 711):123-127, 2014

Two problems in Aristarchus’s treatise on the sizes and distances of the sun and moon, Christián C. Carman, Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 68 1):35-65, 2014

Muyī al-Dīn al-Maghribī’s lunar measurements at the Maragha observatory, S. Mohammad Mozaffari, Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 68 1):67-120, 2014

Parmenides, Cosmology and Sufficient Reason, Andrew, GregoryGregory, Apeiron, 47 1):16, 2014

Influences Art, Optics and Astrology in the Italian Renaissance - by Mary Quinlan-McGrath,  Barbara Tramelli, Centaurus, 56 1 67-68, 2014

A Case Study of How Natural Phenomena Were Justified in Medieval Science The Situation of Annular Eclipses in Medieval Astronomy, S. Mohammad Mozaffar, Science in Context, 27 1):33-47, 2014





The Western Altmark versus Flintbek – palaeoecological research on two megalithic regions, Sarah Diers, Doris Jansen, Almuth Alsleben, Walter Dörfler, Johannes Müller, Doris Mischka, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  185-198, 2014

Geoarchaeology confirms location of the ancient harbour basin of Ostia (Italy), Jean-Philippe Goiran, Ferréol Salomon, Ilaria Mazzini, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41 389-398, 2014

Dark earths and the human built landscape in Amazoniaa widespread pattern of anthrosol formation, Morgan J. Schmidt, Journal of Archaeological Science,  42  152-165, 2014

Archaeomagnetism at Ebla (Tell Mardikh, Syria). New data on geomagnetic field intensity variations in the Near East during the Bronze Age, Yves Gallet, Marta D'Andrea, Agnès Genevey, Frances Pinnock, Maxime Le Goff, Paolo Matthiae, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42 295-304, 2014

Petrogenesis of 1000 Ma Felsic Tuffs, Chhattisgarh and Indravati Basins, Bastar Craton, India Geochemical and Hf Isotope Constraints(, M. E. Bickford, Abhijit Basu, , The Journal of Geology , 122 1):43-54, 2014

Island Arc Origin for the Gladesville and Associated Bodies in the Carolina Superterrane in Central Georgia, Southern Appalachians, Jeff B. Chaumba, The Journal of Geology , 122 1):55-76, 2014

Paleo-Pacific Subduction in the Interior of Eastern China Evidence from Adakitic Rocks in the Edong-Jiurui District, Yi-Zeng Yang, Qun Long, Wolfgang Siebel, The Journal of Geology , 122 1):77-97, 2014

Structural Evolution of the Sierras Interiores (Aragón and Tena Valleys, South Pyrenean Zone) Tectonic Implications, Lidia Rodríguez, Julia Cuevas, and Jose María Tubía, The Journal of Geology , 122 1):99-111, 2014

‘New scenes drawn by the pencil of Truth’ Joseph Banks' northern voyage, John Bonehill, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  99-111, 2014

‘To do the Cape’ Samuel Daniell’s representation of African peoples during the first British occupation of the Cape, Michael Godby, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  28-38, 2014

Virtual witnessing? Balthazar Solvyns and the navigation of precision, c.1790–1840, Natasha Eaton, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  49-59, 2014

Pioneers in the history of cartographythe Geneva map collection of Élisée Reclus and Charles Perron, Federico Ferretti, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  85-95, 2014

An international anomaly? Sovereignty, the League of Nations and India's princely geographies, Stephen Legg, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  96-110, 2014

The practice and poetics of fieldwork Hugh Cott and the study of camouflage, Isla Forsyth, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  128-137, 2014

Maps online digital historical geographies, Jerry Brotton, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  169-174, 2014




William Bateson and the chromosome theory of heredity a reappraisal, ALAN R. RUSHTON, THE BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, 47 1):147-171, 2014

Aristotle’s Physiology of Animal Motion On Neura and Muscles, Gregoric, Pavel / Kuhar, Martin, Apeiron, 47 1):94, 2014

The origins of Chinese domestic cattle as revealed by ancient DNA analysis, Dawei Cai, Yang Sun, Zhuowei Tang, Songmei Hu, Wenying Li, Xingbo Zhao, Hai Xiang, Hui Zhou, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  423-434, 2014 


Major and minor groups in evolution, Peter Gildenhuys, Biology & Philosophy, 29 1):1-32, 2014

Replacement of the “genetic program” program, Ronald J. Planer, Biology & Philosophy, 29 1):33-53, 2014

How domesticating fire facilitated the evolution of human cooperation, Terrence Twomey, Biology & Philosophy, 29 1):89-99, 2014

From DNA- to NA-centrism and the conditions for gene-centrism revisited, Alexis De Tiège, , Biology & Philosophy, 29 1):55-69, 2014

Two neurocomputational building blocks of social norm compliance, Matteo Colombo, Biology & Philosophy, 29 1):71-88, 2014

The oldest Brentidae and Curculionidae (Coleoptera Curculionoidea) from the Aptian of Bon-Tsagaan, Andrei A. Legalov, Historical Biology An International Journal of Paleobiology, 26 1):6-15, 2014

Mandibular remains of Procardiomys martinoiPascual, 1961(Hystricognathi, Cavioidea) from the Arroyo Chasicó Formation (early late Miocene) of Argentina anatomy and the phylogenetic position of the genus within Caviidae, María E. Pérez, Historical Biology An International Journal of Paleobiology, 26 1):16-25, 2014

A Swedish subfossil find of a bowhead whale from the late Pleistocene shore displacement, paleoecology in south-west Sweden and the identity of the Swedenborg whale (Balaena swedenborgii Liljeborg, 1867), Cecilia Anderung, Historical Biology An International Journal of Paleobiology, 26 1):58-68, 2014

Comparing predatory drillholes to taphonomic damage from simulated wave action on a modern gastropod, Nikqueta C. Chojnacki, Historical Biology An International Journal of Paleobiology, 26 1):69-79, 2014

The eusuchian crocodylomorph Allodaposuchus subjuniperus sp. nov., a new species from the latest Cretaceous (upper Maastrichtian) of Spain, E. Puértolas-Pascual, Historical Biology An International Journal of Paleobiology, 26 1):91-109, 2014

Osteohistological insight into the early stages of growth in Mussaurus patagonicus (Dinosauria, Sauropodomorpha), Ignacio Alejandro Cerda, Historical Biology An International Journal of Paleobiology, 26 1):110-121, 2014

Predatory behaviour of Cretaceous social orb-weaving spiders comment, David Penney, Historical Biology An International Journal of Paleobiology, 26 1):132-134, 2014

Of the Helmholtz Club, South-Californian seedbed for visual and cognitive neuroscience, and its patron Francis Crick , Christine Aicardi, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 45 1-11, 2014

Chimpocentrism and reconstructions of human evolution (a timely reminder), Krist Vaese, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 45 12-21, 2014

The mechanistic approach of The Theory of Island Biogeographyand its current relevance, Viorel Pâslaru, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 45 22-33, 2014

Flies from meat and wasps from trees Reevaluating Francesco Redi’s spontaneous generation experiments, Emily C. Parke, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 45 34-42, 2014

Ray Wu as Fifth Business Deconstructing collective memory in the history of DNA sequencing, Lisa A. Onaga, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 46 1-14, 2014

Sensitivity of Bolivian seasonally-dry tropical forest to precipitation and temperature changes over glacial–interglacial timescales, Bronwen S, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23 1):1-14, 2014

Land use history and resource utilisation from a.d. 400 to the present, at Chibuene, southern Mozambique, Anneli Ekblom, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23 1):15-32, 2014

Climate, human palaeoecology and the use of fuel in Wadi Sana, Southern Yemen, Masoumeh Kimiaie, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23 1):33-40, 2014

Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic human impact at Dutch wetland sites the case study of Hardinxveld-Giessendam De Bruin, Welmoed A. Out, Koen Verhoeven, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23 1):41-56, 2014

The domestication of Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower), Bruce D. Smith, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23 1):57-74, 2014

Feeding, maintenance and reproduction ofMicroplana terrestris (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Continenticola: Geoplaninae: Microplaninae) under laboratory conditions, Jillian C. McDonald, Journal of Natural History, 48 (1-2) 1-34, 2014

Schrankiana chacoensis sp. nov. (Nematoda: Atractidae) from Leptodactylus bufonius Boulenger, 1894 (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Argentina, Cynthya Elizabeth González, Journal of Natural History, 48 (1-2) 35-49, 2014

First description of macropterous male and female ofCryphocricos latus (Heteroptera: Naucoridae) Usinger, F. Herrera, Journal of Natural History, 48 (1-2) 51-55, 2014

Bruchines (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) associated with Senna neglecta (Vogel) H.S. Irwin and Barneby (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae): a new host plant for the subfamily, Jéssica Herzog Viana, Journal of Natural History, 48 (1-2) 57-85, 2014

A review of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) from Taiwan, China, Z.H. Du, S.X. Wang & H.H. Li, Journal of Natural History, 48 (1-2) 87-108, 2014

Biting midges (Ceratopogonidae: Diptera) present in aquatic macrophytes from wetlands of Marchantaria Island, Iranduba, Central Amazonia, Brazil, S.R.S. Torreias, Journal of Natural History, 48 (1-2) 109-122, 2014

Parasitoids of larch sawfly, Pristiphora erichsonii(Hartig) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) in Changbai Mountains, Tao Li, Journal of Natural History, 48 (3-4) 123-131, 2014

The saws of sawflies: exploring the morphology of the ovipositor in Tenthredinoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera), with emphasis on Nematinae, Carl-Erik Weltz, Journal of Natural History, 48 (3-4) 133-183, 2014

Three new proctophyllodine feather mites (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines in Brazil (Aves: Passeriformes), Fabio Akashi Hernandes, Journal of Natural History, 48 (3-4) 185-202, 2014

Natural history of Copionodon pecten, an endemic trichomycterid catfish from Chapada Diamantina in northeastern Brazil, A.M. Zanata, Journal of Natural History, 48 (3-4) 203-228, 2014

Spatial niche variation in two sympatric species ofBokermannohyla (Anura: Hylidae) in southeastern Brazil, Nathália Gonçalves da Silva Lima, Journal of Natural History, 48 (3-4) 229-240, 2014

Commensal association of piscivorous birds with foraging otters in southeastern Brazil, and a comparison with such a relationship of piscivorous birds with cormorants, Giulia B. D’Angelo, Journal of Natural History, 48 (3-4) 241-249, 2014




Searching for Scandinavians in pre-Viking Scotlandmolecular fingerprinting of Early Medieval combs, Isabella C.C. von Holstein, Steven P. Ashby, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41 1-6, 2014

Holocene-aged human footprints from the Cuatrociénegas Basin, NE Mexico, Nicholas J. Felstead, Silvia Gonzalez, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42 250-259, 2014

Subsistence and social change in central Eurasiastable isotope analysis of populations spanning the Bronze Age transition, Alicia Ventresca Miller, Emma Usmanova,  Journal of Archaeological Science, 42 525-538, 2014




Identifying ancient manuring traditional phosphate vs. multi-element analysis of archaeological soil, Nina Helt Nielsen, Søren Munch Kristiansen, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42  390-398, 2014

Eolian Deposition and Soil Fertility in a Prehistoric Agricultural Complex in Central Arizona, USA, Dana K. Nakase, Geoarchaeology, 29 2):79-97, 2014

Spatial and Physical Characteristics of Rejolladas in Northern Yucatán, Mexico Implications for Ancient Maya Agriculture and Settlement Patterns, Mandy J. Munro-Stasiuk1*,, Geoarchaeology, 29 2):156-172, 2014

Persistence, Change, and Thinking Big about Small Places Some Thoughts about the Practical Applications of Rural and Agricultural History, Pamela Riney-Kehrberg, Agricultural History , 88 2-17, 2014

Agricultural History Talks to Pamela Riney-Kehrberg, Agricultural History   , 88 18-21, 2014

Searching for the Soviet Dream Prosperity and Disillusionment on the Soviet Seattle Agricultural Commune, 1922-1927, Seth Bernstein and Robert Cherny, Agricultural History , 88 22-44, 2014

Buildings as Sources for US Agricultural History, Sally McMurry, Agricultural History , 88 45-67, 2014

Why Panaceas Work Recasting Science, Knowledge, and Fertilizer Interests in German Agriculture, Frank Uekötter, Agricultural History , 88 68-86, 2014

Producing a PastMcCormick Harvester and Producer Populists in the 1890s, Daniel Ott, Agricultural History   , 88 87-119, 2014

Front and back of the house socio-spatial inequalities in food work, Carolyn Sachs, , Agriculture and Human Values, 31 1):3-17, 2014

Understanding local agri-food systems through advice network analysis, Yuna Chiffoleau, Jean-Marc Touzard, Agriculture and Human Values, 31 1):19-32, 2014

Urban agriculture of the future an overview of sustainability aspects of food production in and on buildings, Kathrin Specht, Rosemarie Siebert, Agriculture and Human Values, 31 1):33-51, 2014

The labor of terroir and the terroir of labor Geographical Indication and Darjeeling tea plantations, Sarah Besky, Agriculture and Human Values, 31 1):83-96, 2014







Managing the Body: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain, 1880–1939, Lesley A. Hall, Annals of Science, 711):113-116, 2014

War and the Militarization of British Army Medicine, 1793-1830, Michael Moss, Annals of Science, 711):116-118, 2014

Scientific Strategy and Ad Hoc Response: The Problem of Typhoid in America and England, c. 1910–50 , Anne Hardy, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 691):3-37, 2014

“Skinless Wonders”:Body Worlds and the Victorian Freak Show, Nadja Durbach, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 691):36-67, 2014

Forward Surgery and Combat Hospitals: The Origins of the MASH , Sanders Marble, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 691):68-100, 2014

“Breaking the Chain of Poverty”: Family Planning, Community Involvement, and the Population Council–Office of Economic Opportunity Alliance , Jennifer Nelson, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 691):101-134, 2014

The Lourdes Medical Cures Revisited , Bernard François, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 691):135-162, 2014

Religion and Medicine, Again: JHMAS Commentary on “The Lourdes Medical Cures Revisited” , Jacalyn Duffin, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 691):162-165, 2014

Typhoid Fever in Nineteenth-Century Colombia: Between Medical Geography and Bacteriology, MÓNICA GARCÍA , Medical History , 58 (1): 2745, 2014

Recapturing the History of Surgical Practice Through Simulation-based Re-enactment, Roger Kneebone, Medical History , 58 (1): 106121, 2014

Moderate eugenics and human enhancement, Michael J. Selgelid, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy   , 171):3-12, 2014

Pharmaceutical enhancement and medical professionals, Gavin G. Enck, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy  , 171):23-28, 2014

Limitless as a neuro-pharmaceutical experiment and as a Daseinsanalyse: on the use of fiction in preparatory debates on cognitive enhancement, Hub Zwart, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy  , 171):29-38, 2014

Moral dilemmas faced by hospitals in time of war: the Rambam Medical Center during the Second Lebanon War, Yaron Bar-El, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy     , 171):155-160, 2014

Appealing to the Republic of Letters: An Autopsy of Anti-venereal Trials in Eighteenth-century Mexico, Fiona Clark, Social History of Medicine , 27 (1): 2-21, 2014

When it Hurts to Look: Interpreting the Interior of the Victorian Woman, Kathryn Yeniyurt, Social History of Medicine, 27 (1): 22-40, 2014

Contingencies of Colonial Psychiatry: Migration, Mental Illness, and the Repatriation of Nigerian ‘Lunatics’, Matthew M. Heaton, Social History of Medicine , 27 (1): 41-63, 2014

English Poor Law Institutional Care for Older People: Identifying the ‘Aged and Infirm’ and the ‘Sick’ in Birmingham Workhouse, 1852–1912, Alistair Ritch, Social History of Medicine  , 27 (1): 64-85, 2014,

Anthony J. Lanza, Silicosis and the Gauley Bridge ‘Nine’, Jock McCulloch , Social History of Medicine ,  27 (1): 86-103, 2014

‘Therapy Means Political Change, Not Peanut Butter’: American Radical Psychiatry, 1968–1975, Lucas Richert, Social History of Medicine , 27 (1): 104-121, 2014

Anne Van Arsdall and Timothy Graham (eds), Herbs and Healers From the Ancient Mediterranean Through the Medieval West: Essays in Honor of John M. Riddle, Laurence Totelin, Social History of Medicine, 27 (1): 165-166, 2014






The Mortal Sea Fishing the Atlantic in the Age of Sail, Jennifer F. Brewer, Journal of Historical Geography, 43:187-188, 2014




Industrial research at the Eastern Telegraph Company, 1872–1929, RICHARD NOAKES, THE BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, 47 1):119-146, 2014







Moving metals IIprovenancing Scandinavian Bronze Age artefacts by lead isotope and elemental analyses, Johan Ling, Zofia Stos-Gale, Lena Grandin, Kjell Billström, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  106-132, 2014

Gold in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula during the 3rd Millennium BC, F. Nocete, R. Sáez, M.R. Bayona, J.M. Nieto, A. Peramo, P. López, J.I. Gil-Ibarguchi, N. Inácio, S. García, J. Rodríguez, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41 :691-704, 2014

Iron reinforcements in Beauvais and Metz Cathedrals from bloomery or finery? The use of logistic regression for differentiating smelting processes, A. Disser, P. Dillmann, C. Bourgain, M. L'Héritier, E. Vega, S. Bauvais, M. Leroy, Journal of Archaeological Science, 42 315-333, 2014

Application of an entropy maximizing and dynamics model for understanding settlement structure the Khabur Triangle in the Middle Bronze and Iron Ages, Toby Davies, Hannah Fry, Alan Wilson, Alessio Palmisano, Mark Altaweel, Karen Radner, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43  141-154, 2014

Smelting of magnetite and magnetite–ilmenite iron ores in the northern Lowveld, South Africa, ca. 1000 CE to ca. 1880 CE, David Killick, Duncan Miller, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43  239-255, 2014




A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Archaeological Mortars from the Town of Ammaia in the Roman Province of Lusitania (Portugal), I. Cardoso, Archaeometry, 56 1):1-24, 2014




Hispano-Moresque ceramic tiles from the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha (Coimbra, Portugal), Susana Coentro, Rui A.A. Trindade, José Mirão, António Candeias, Luís C. Alves, Rui M.C. Silva, Vânia S.F. Muralha, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  21-28, 2014

Provenance and proximity a technological analysis of Late and Final Neolithic ceramics from Euripides Cave, Salamis, Greece, Ian Whitbread, Alexandra Mari, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  79-88, 2014

Technology, production and chronology of red window glass in the medieval period – rediscovery of a lost technology, Jerzy J. Kunicki-Goldfinger, Ian C. Freestone, Iain McDonald, Jan A. Hobot, Heather Gilderdale-Scott, Tim Ayers, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  89-105, 2014

Production technology and replication of lead antimonate yellow glass from New Kingdom Egypt and the Roman Empire, G. Molina, G.P. Odin, T. Pradell, A.J. Shortland, M.S. Tite, Journal of Archaeological Science, 41  171-184, 2014

A trace element study for the provenance attribution of ceramic artefacts the case of Dressel 1amphorae from a late-Republican ship, Cristina M. Belfiore, Mauro F. La Russa, Donatella Barca, Giuliana Galli, Antonino Pezzino, Silvestro A. Ruffolo, Marco Viccaro, Giusj V. Fichera, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43  91-104, 2014

Inter-ethnic social interactions in 16th century La Floridasourcing pottery using siliceous microfossils, Neill J. Wallis, Ann S. Cordell, Kathleen A. Deagan, Michael J. Sullivan, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43  127-140, 2014

Unwinding the spiral discovering the manufacturing method of Iron Age Scottish glass beads, Martina Bertini, Rajmund Mokso, Eva M. Krupp, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43  256-266, 2014

Not so efficient, but still distilled the technology of Qing Dynasty zinc production at Dafengmen, Chongqing, southwest China, Wenli Zhou, Marcos Martinón-Torres, Jianli Chen, Yanxiang Li, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43  278-288, 2014

The Hellenistic and Roman Syracuse (Sicily) Fine Pottery Production Explored by Chemical and Petrographic Analysis, G. Barone, Archaeometry, 56 1):70-87, 2014

Neolithic Adhesive from a T-shaped Ornamental Element Excavated at Site 14 at Kowal, Kuyavia, Central Poland, J. K. Rumiński, Archaeometry, 56 1):129-144, 2014




Eating the Enlightenment. Food and the Sciences in Paris, 1670-1760 - by Emma C. Spary, Nuria Valverde Pérez, Centaurus, 56 1 59-61, 2014

Food and Fodder Feeding England, 1700–1900, David Meredith and Deborah Oxley, Past & Present  , 222  1):163-212, 2014




Tracking ancient ship routes through the analysis of caulking material from shipwrecks? The case study of two 14th century cogs from Doel (northern Belgium), Koen Deforce, Luc Allemeersch, Herman Stieperaere, Kristof Haneca, Journal of Archaeological Science, 43  299-314, 2014

Changing Lanes Visions and Histories of Urban Freeways, Joe Weber, Journal of Historical Geography, 43  191-192, 2014