



任鸿隽1916年的科学梦, 樊洪业, 科学, 66, 1, 1-2, 2014, 总论

清初中西力争背景下的平气、定气之争, 张祺、郭世荣, 科学技术哲学研究, 31, 2, 67-72, 2014, 总论

演化思想发展中的自然神学, 杨海燕, 自然辩证法通讯, 36, 3, 58-63, 2014, 总论

关于中国现代科技发展历史的反思, 曹效业、熊卫民、王扬宗, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 5-24, 2014, 总论

弗莱克研究现状及其在中国的意义, 夏钊, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 69-83, 2014, 总论

希腊化时代科学与技术之间的互动, 郝刘祥, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 25-39, 2014, 总论




砂岩质文物防风化材料保护效果评估方法研究, 周伟强, 四川文物, , 2, 88-92, 2014, 科技考古

贵州贞丰县龙井村白棉纸制作工艺调查及纸张性能研究, 郑东青、彭银、张金萍, 四川文物, , 2, 93-96, 2014, 科技考古



揭秘上帝粒子:非同寻常的诺贝尔物理学奖, 何红建, 科学, 66, 1, 3-10, 2014, 数学

近代数学的建立与科学的数学化, 杨静、白欣, 科学, 66, 1, 58-62, 2014, 数学

中国古代“天圆地方”宇宙观及其数学模型, 武家璧、武旸, 自然辩证法通讯, 36, 2, 30-37, 2014, 数学

《同文算指叠借互征》内容探析, 才静滢、纪志刚, 自然辩证法通讯, 36, 2, 51-57, 2014, 数学



山西碛口黑龙庙山门戏台声学问题初探, 杨阳、高策、丁宏, 科学技术哲学研究, 31, 2, 78-83, 2014, 物理


宋代图经与九域图志:从资料到系统知识, 潘晟, 历史研究, , 1, 79-96, 2014, 地学


论佛教类书的博物学特色, 宋军朋, 科学技术哲学研究, 31, 2, 73-77, 2014, 生物

中国骆驼驯化起源的考古学观察, 张小云、罗运兵, 古今农业, , 1, 47-55, 2014, 生物

莱纳斯鲍林DNA研究失败的原因探析, 张宏志, 自然辩证法通讯, 36, 2, 38-44, 2014, 生物



汉代犁耕驾牛方式和用具的初步研究, 刘兴林, 考古与文物, , 1, 45-52, 2014, 农业

英国农业科技人员管理的特点及其启示, 李震、张萌, 古今农业, , 1, 39-46, 2014, 农业

古代农业生产对西北地区人为土形成的影响, 杜娟, 古今农业, , 1, 56-65, 2014, 农业

四川冬水田的历史变迁, 陈桂权, 古今农业, , 1, 83-92, 2014, 农业

如何看待明清时期的中国农业, 王思明, 中国农史, 33, 1, 3-12, 2014, 农业

汉代河西粮食作物考, 高荣, 中国农史, 33, 1, 21-29, 2014, 农业

中国石榴栽培史, 李玉、王晨、夏如兵、曹尚银, 中国农史, 33, 1, 30-37, 2014, 农业

内地化与清水江流域的“糯改籼”, 严奇岩, 中国农史, 33, 1, 38-44, 2014, 农业

论金代女真人对林木资源的保护与发展, 夏宇旭, 北方文物, , 1, 83-86, 2014, 农业



西方文艺复兴时期解剖学的两重性——以维萨留斯为中心, 洪性烈, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 40-49, 2014, 医学

谁见幽人独往来——迪惠尔与噬菌体的发现, 平立岩, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 50-59, 2014, 医学

清末中医对西药的批评, 王传超, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 60-68, 2014, 医学



唐代螺钿镜的定名及其工艺内涵, 范淑英, 考古与文物, , 1, 89-94, 2014, 技术

吴三桂政权时期铸钱工艺初探, 刘舜强、袁凯铮、崔剑锋、陈建立, 故宫博物院院刊, , 1, 116-123, 2014, 技术

以故宫为例谈木结构古建筑的白蚁防治技术与策略, 谷岸、苗建民、倪斌, 故宫博物院院刊, , 1, 124-135, 2014, 技术

中国近代女学科技教育途径研究, 张楠, 自然辩证法通讯, 36, 2, 45-50, 2014, 技术


叶渚沛:中国化工冶金的开拓者, 刘伟、许志宏, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 108-118, 2014, 矿冶



1979年冬在瑞典的见闻与感触 , 李靖炎, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 84-91, 2014, 其他

两篇处女作的反响 , 康宏逵, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 92-96, 2014, 其他

李约瑟问题辨析》之澄清——对陈方正教授答复之答复, 陈晓平, 科学文化评论, 11, 1, 97-107, 2014, 其他











The Organizational Revolution and the Human Sciences, Hunter Heyck, ISIS    , 105, 1, 1-31, 2014, 总论

A Scholarly Intermediary between the Ottoman Empire and Renaissance Europe, Robert Morrison, ISIS    , 105, 1, 32-57, 2014, 总论

Human Nature, Free Will, and the Human Sciences,  Francesca Bordogna, ISIS    , 105, 1, 161-163, 2014, 总论

Jeanne Haffner. The View from Above: The Science of Social Space., Trevor Barnes, ISIS    , 105, 1, 197-198, 2014, 总论

Audra J. Wolfe. Competing with the Soviets: Science, Technology, and the State in Cold War America., Brian Balmer, ISIS    , 105, 1, 255-256, 2014, 总论

Paul Hoyningen-Huene. Systematicity: The Nature of Science., Peter P. Kirschenmann, ISIS    , 105, 1, 257-258, 2014, 总论

Introduction: Science, Technology, Medicine – and the State: The Science-State Nexus in Scandinavia, 1850–1980, Kristin Asdal, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 177-186, 2014, 总论


THE VERTIGO OF HISTORICAL ANALYSES IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD, Angelika Epple, History and Theory , 53, 2, 234-243, 2014, 总论

THE WORDS OF HISTORY , Anton Froeyman, History and Theory , 53, 2, 244-252, 2014, 总论




Sheffield's Great Flood of 1864: Engineering Failure and the Municipalisation of Water., Shane Ewen, Environment and History, 20, 2, 177-207, 2014, 自然环境史

Fluvial Landscape and the State: Property and the Gangetic Diaras in Colonial India, 1790s-1890s. , Nitin Sinha, Environment and History, 20, 2, 209-237, 2014, 自然环境史

'Never such weather known in these seas': Climatic Fluctuations and the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century, 1652-1674. , Dagomar Degroot, Environment and History, 20, 2, 239-273, 2014, 自然环境史

Human Agency and Exotic Birds in New Zealand. , Paul Star, Environment and History, 20, 2, 275-299, 2014, 自然环境史





Eolian Deposition and Soil Fertility in a Prehistoric Agricultural Complex in Central Arizona, USA , Dana K. Nakase, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 2, 79-97, 2014, 科技考古

Renewed Geoarchaeological Investigations of Mwanganda's Village (Elephant Butchery Site), Karonga, Malawi , David K. Wright, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 2, 98-120, 2014, 科技考古

An Exploratory Non-Destructive Provenance Analysis of Two Middle Archaic Greenstone Pendants from Little Salt Spring, Florida, USA , Michael F, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 2, 121-137, 2014, 科技考古

The Purpose and Age of Underwater Walls in the Bay of Elaia of Western Turkey: A Multidisciplinary Approach , Martin Seeliger, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 2, 138-155, 2014, 科技考古

Spatial and Physical Characteristics of Rejolladas in Northern Yucatán, Mexico: Implications for Ancient Maya Agriculture and Settlement Patterns , Mandy J, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 2, 156-172, 2014, 科技考古

Controlling for Landform Age When Determining the Settlement History of the Kuril Islands , Breanyn MacInnes, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 3, 185-201, 2014, 科技考古

Investigating the Eolian Context of the Last Glacial Maximum Occupation at Kawanishi-C, Hokkaido, Japan (pages 202–220), Masami Izuho, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 3, 202-220, 2014, 科技考古

Late Pleistocene Geology and Paleolithic Archaeology of the Shimaki Site, Hokkaido, Japan , Ian Buvit, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 3, 221-237, 2014, 科技考古

Beach Ridges as Favored Locales for Human Settlement on Pacific Islands , William R. Dickinson, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 3, 249-267, 2014, 科技考古

Paleo-Terrain Research: Finding the First Settlement Sites of Remote Oceania , Mike T. Carson, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 3, 268-275, 2014, 科技考古


Glen Van Brummelen. Heavenly Mathematics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry., Jan P. Hogendijk, ISIS    , 105, 1, 207-208, 2014, 数学

Nader El-Bizri, ed. On Arithmetic and Geometry: An Arabic Critical Edition and English Translation of EPISTLES 1 and 2., Sonja Brentjes, ISIS    , 105, 1, 211-212, 2014, 数学

The origins of Euler's early work on continued fractions , Rosanna Cretney, Historia Mathematica, 41, 2, 139-156, 2014, 数学

Confluences of agendas: Emigrant mathematicians in transit in Denmark, 1933–1945 , Henrik Kragh Sørensen, Historia Mathematica, 157-187, 2014, 数学

Hilbert's objectivity, Lydia Patton, Historia Mathematica, 188-203, 2014, 数学

“Principles of Mechanics that are Susceptible of Application to Society”: An unpublished notebook of Adolphe Quetelet at the root of his social physics, David Aubin, Historia Mathematica, 204-223, 2014, 数学

Archimede Latino. Iacopo da San Cassiano e il corpus Archimedeo alla metà del quattrocento. Con edizione della Circuli dimensio e della Quadratura parabolae, Paolo d'Alessandro, Pier Daniele Napolitani (Eds.), in: Sciences et savoirs. Les Belles Lettres, Paris (2012), ISBN: 978-2-251-22001-7, Menso Folkerts, Historia Mathematica, 233-235, 2014, 数学

Fatou, Julia, Montel: The Great Prize of Mathematical Sciences of 1918, and beyond, vol. 2014, Michèle Audin, in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, History of Mathematics Subseries. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (2011), ISBN: 978-3642178535, Daniel S. Alexander, Historia Mathematica, 224-232, 2014, 数学

“Principles of Mechanics that are Susceptible of Application to Society”: An unpublished notebook of Adolphe Quetelet at the root of his social physics, David Aubin, Historia Mathematica, 204-223, 2014, 数学

The Ivor Grattan-Guinness Best Paper Award for History and Philosophy of Logic in 2013, Further Information, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 119, 2014, 数学

Aristotle's Syllogistic and Core Logic, Neil Tennant, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 120-147, 2014, 数学

The Bricot–Mair Dispute: Scholastic Prolegomena to Non-Compositional Semantics, Miroslav Hanke, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 148-166, 2014, 数学

Syncategoremata in Arabic Logic, al-Fārābī and Avicenna, Saloua Chatti, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 167-197, 2014, 数学

Why Did Weyl Think that Formalism's Victory Against Intuitionism Entails a Defeat of Pure Phenomenology?, Iulian D. Toader, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 198-208, 2014, 数学

Aristotle's Modal Syllogistic, D. Raymond, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 209-211, 2014, 数学

Later Medieval Metaphysics. Ontology, Language & Logic, Andreas Blank, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 211-213, 2014, 数学

Russell's Unknown Logicism: A Study in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Andrew David Irvine, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 214-215, 2014, 数学

Hilbert's Programs and Beyond, Matthias Wille, History and Philosophy of Logic, 35, 2, 215-217, 2014, 数学




The Advantages of Bringing Infinity to a Finite Place: Penrose Diagrams as Objects of Intuition, Aaron Sidney Wright, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences    , 44, 2, 99-139, 2014, 物理学

Carried by History: Cesar Lattes, Nuclear Emulsions, and the Discovery of the Pi-meson, Cássio Leite Vieira, Physics in Perspective, 16, 1, 3-36, 2014, 物理学

Engineering the Big Chill: The Story of JLab’s Central Helium Liquefier, Catherine Westfall, Physics in Perspective, 16, 1, 37-68, 2014, 物理学

Informing Physics: Jacob Bekenstein and the Informational Turn in Theoretical Physics, Israel Belfer, Physics in Perspective, 16, 1, 69-97, 2014, 物理学

Daedalus in Dublin: A Physicist’s Labyrinth, Thomas C. O’Connor, Physics in Perspective, 16, 1, 98-128, 2014, 物理学

A Case for Lorentzian Relativity, Daniel Shanahan, Foundations of Physics, 44, 4, 349-367, 2014, 物理学

On Gravitational Effects in the Schrödinger Equation, M. D. Pollock, Foundations of Physics, 44, 4, 368-388, 2014, 物理学

Photon Flux and Distance from the Source: Consequences for Quantum Communication, Andrei Khrennikov, Foundations of Physics, 44, 4, 389-405, 2014, 物理学

Relating the Quantum Mechanics of Discrete Systems to Standard Canonical Quantum Mechanics, Gerard ’t Hooft, Foundations of Physics, 44, 4, 406-425, 2014, 物理学

Partial Traces in Decoherence and in Interpretation: What Do Reduced States Refer to?, Sebastian Fortin, Foundations of Physics, 44, 4, 426-466, 2014, 物理学




Sarah A. Vogel. Is It Safe? BPA and the Struggle to Define the Safety of Chemicals., Michael Egan, ISIS    , 105, 1, 254, 2014, 化学

United in Separation: The Inventions of Gel Filtration and the Moral Economy of Research in Swedish Biochemistry, ca. 1950–1970, Sven Widmalm, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 249-274, 2014, 化学

Pedagogical Progeniture or Tactical Translation? George Fordyce's Additions and Modifications to William Cullen's Philosophical Chemistry — Part I, Georgette Taylor, Ambix, 61, 1, 48-66, 2014, 化学

The Emerging Role of Titrimetry in Late Nineteenth-Century Industrial Problem Solving: The Example of Trace Analysis for Perchlorate in Chile Saltpetre, Anthony S. Travis, Ambix, 61, 1, 67-94, 2014, 化学

Scientific biographies revisited: Thomsons' electrons and Bohr's quantum atoms, Ana Simões, Ambix, 61, 1, 96-99, 2014, 化学

Atoms and bonds in molecules and chemical explanations, Mauro Causá, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 1, 3-26, 2014, 化学

Entropic concepts in electronic structure theory, Roman F. Nalewajski, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 1, 27-62, 2014, 化学

What does shape a topological atom?, Hamidreza Joypazadeh, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 1, 77-84, 2014, 化学




Realizing the New Aerospace History, Roger D. Launius, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences    , 44, 2, 187-195, 2014, 天文学

Harvey M. Bricker; Victoria R. Bricker. Astronomy in the Maya Codices., Gerardo Aldana, ISIS    , 105, 1, 193-195, 2014, 天文学

Michael A. Ryan. A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology and Authority in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon., Darin Hayton, ISIS    , 105, 1, 213-214, 2014, 天文学

Elizabeth A. Kessler. Picturing the Cosmos: Hubble Space Telescope Images and the Astronomical Sublime., Lisa Messeri, ISIS    , 105, 1, 248-249, 2014, 天文学

W. Patrick McCray. The Visioneers: How a Group of Elite Scientists Pursued Space Colonies, Nanotechnologies, and a Limitless Future., Janet Vertesi, ISIS    , 105, 1, 249-250, 2014, 天文学

TO THE PLANETARIUM—THERE IS STILL TIME!, Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft, History and Theory , 53, 2, 253-563, 2014, 天文学

Philosophical aspects of modern cosmology, Henrik Zinkernagel, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 1-134, 2014, 天文学

On the philosophy of cosmology , George Francis Rayner Ellis, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 5-23, 2014, 天文学

Does cosmological expansion affect local physics? , Domenico Giulini, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 24-37, 2014, 天文学

In search of relativistic time, Marc Lachièze-Rey, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 38-47, 2014, 天文学

Testability and epistemic shifts in modern cosmology, Helge Kragh, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 48-56, 2014, 天文学

On under-determination in cosmology , Jeremy Butterfield, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 57-69, 2014, 天文学

What have we learned from observational cosmology?, J.-Ch. J.-Ch. Hamilton, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 70-85, 2014, 天文学

Non-standard models and the sociology of cosmology , Martín López-Corredoira, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 86-96, 2014, 天文学

On the contributions of astroparticle physics to cosmology , Brigitte Falkenburg, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 97-108, 2014, 天文学

Do we have a theory of early universe cosmology? , Robert Brandenberger, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 109-121, 2014, 天文学

Predictability crisis in early universe cosmology, Chris Smeenk, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46, , 122-133, 2014, 天文学

Johann Baptist Hebenstreit's Idyll on the Temple of Urania, the Frontispiece Image of Kepler's Rudolphine Tables, Part 1: Context and Significance , Jardine, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 1-19, 2014, 天文学

Johann Baptist Hebenstreit's Idyll on the Temple of Urania, the Frontispiece Image of Kepler's Rudolphine Tables, Part 2: Annotated Translation , Leedham-Green, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 21-34, 2014, 天文学

The Reception and Application of Arabic Science in Twelfth-Century Computistics: New Evidence from Bavaria ,  E. Nothaft,, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 35-60, 2014, 天文学

The Fragment of Al-Kindī's Lost Treatise on Observations of Halley's Comet in A.D. 837 , Giahi Yazdi, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 61-77, 2014, 天文学

On the Babylonian Sighting-Criterion for the Lunar Crescent and its Implications for Egyptian Lunar Data , Gautschy, Rita, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 79, 2014, 天文学

Michael Maestlin and His Unpublished Treatise on the Nova of 1604 , Granada, Miguel A., Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 91-122, 2014, 天文学

Bīrūnī's Examination of the Path of the Centre of the Epicycle in Ptolemy's Lunar Model , Mozaffari,, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 123-127, 2014, 天文学

Poetic Astronomy in the Ancient Near East: The Reflexes of Celestial Science in Ancient Mesopotamian, Ugaritic, and Israelite Narrative , Rochberg, Francesca, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 45, 1, 127-129, 2014, 天文学




Deborah R. Coen. The Earthquake Observers: Disaster Science from Lisbon to Richter., Claudine Cohen, ISIS    , 105, 1, 228-229, 2014, 地学

Circumpolar Science: Scandinavian Approaches to the Arctic and the North Atlantic, ca. 1920 to 1960, Sverker Sörlin, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 275-305, 2014, 地学

The Preglacial “Pliocene” Mississippi River, William Cupples , The Journal of Geology, 122, 1, 1-15, 2014, 地学

Provenance of Passive-Margin Sand (Southern Africa), Eduardo Garzanti, The Journal of Geology, 122, 1, 17-42, 2014, 地学

Petrogenesis of 1000 Ma Felsic Tuffs, Chhattisgarh and Indravati Basins, Bastar Craton, India: Geochemical and Hf Isotope Constraints, M. E. Bickford, The Journal of Geology, 122, 1, 43-54, 2014, 地学

Island Arc Origin for the Gladesville and Associated Bodies in the Carolina Superterrane in Central Georgia, Southern Appalachians, Jeff B. Chaumba, The Journal of Geology, 122, 1, 55-76, 2014, 地学

Paleo-Pacific Subduction in the Interior of Eastern China: Evidence from Adakitic Rocks in the Edong-Jiurui District, Yi-Zeng Yang, The Journal of Geology, 122, 1, 77-97, 2014, 地学

Structural Evolution of the Sierras Interiores (Aragón and Tena Valleys, South Pyrenean Zone): Tectonic Implications, Lidia Rodríguez, The Journal of Geology, 122, 1, 99-111, 2014, 地学

Temporal Calibration and Biochronology of the Centenario Fauna, Early Miocene of Panama, Bruce J. MacFadden, The Journal of Geology, 122, 2, 113-115, 2014, 地学

Upland Glaciation in Tropical Pangaea: Geologic Evidence and Implications for Late Paleozoic Climate Modeling, Gerilyn S. Soreghan, The Journal of Geology, 122, 2, 137-163, 2014, 地学

Tsunami Resonance in Palma Bay and Harbor, Majorca Island, as Induced by the 2003 Western Mediterranean Earthquake, J. Vela, B. Pérez, The Journal of Geology, 122, 2, 165-182, 2014, 地学

Time Constraints on the Building of the Serre Batholith: Consequences for the Thermal Evolution of the Hercynian Continental Crust Exposed in Calabria (Southern Italy), Antonio Langone, The Journal of Geology, 122, 2, 183-199, 2014, 地学

Provenance of Quartz Arenites of the Early Paleozoic Midcontinent Region, USA, Alexandros Konstantinou, The Journal of Geology, 122, 2, 201-216, 2014, 地学

Provenance and Crustal Evolution of the Northern Yangtze Block Revealed by Detrital Zircons from Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Yangtze Gorges Area, South China, Xiang Cui, The Journal of Geology, 122, 2, 217-235, 2014, 地学

Survey science on trial: the geographic contours of geology's practical science debate in late Victorian Canada, Jason Grek-Martin, Journal of Historical Geography, 45, , 1-11, 2014, 地学




Neuroscience, Neurohistory, and the History of Science: A Tale of Two Brain Images, Steve Fuller, ISIS    , 105, 1, 100-109, 2014, 生物学

Neurohistory in Action: Hoarding and the Human Past, Daniel Lord Smail, ISIS    , 105, 1, 110-122, 2014, 生物学

History and Neuroscience: An Integrative Legacy, Stephen T. Casper, ISIS    , 105, 1, 123-132, 2014, 生物学

Neurohistory Is Bunk?: The Not-So-Deep History of the Postclassical Mind, Max Stadler, ISIS    , 105, 1, 133-144, 2014, 生物学

Neural Veils and the Will to Historical Critique: Why Historians of Science Need to Take the Neuro-Turn Seriously, Roger Cooter, ISIS    , 105, 1, 145-154, 2014, 生物学

Michael Ruse, ed. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Darwin and Evolutionary Thought., John Hedley Brooke, ISIS    , 105, 1, 205-207, 2014, 生物学

Edward H. Burtt; William E. Davis. Alexander Wilson: The Scot Who Founded American Ornithology., Paul Lawrence Farber, ISIS    , 105, 1, 228, 2014, 生物学

Travis Landry. Subversive Seduction: Darwin, Sexual Selection, and the Spanish Novel., Adriana Novoa, ISIS    , 105, 1, 235-236, 2014, 生物学

Prakash Kumar. Indigo Plantations and Science in Colonial India., Pratik Chakrabarti, ISIS    , 105, 1, 236-237, 2014, 生物学

Russell M. Lawson. Frontier Naturalist: Jean Louis Berlandier and the Exploration of Northern Mexico and Texas., Sterling Evans, ISIS    , 105, 1, 237-238, 2014, 生物学

Cheryl A. Logan. Hormones, Heredity, and Race: Spectacular Failure in Interwar Vienna., Heiko Stoff, ISIS    , 105, 1, 238-239, 2014, 生物学

Donald Avery. Pathogens for War: Biological Weapons, Canadian Life Scientists, and North American Biodefence., James Hull, ISIS    , 105, 1, 243-244, 2014, 生物学

Wendy Dathan. The Reindeer Botanist: Alf Erling Porsild, 1901–1977., Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis, ISIS    , 105, 1, 246-247, 2014, 生物学

Nikolas Rose; Joelle M. Abi-Rached. Neuro: The New Brain Sciences and the Management of the Mind., Cathy Gere, ISIS    , 105, 1, 252-253, 2014, 生物学

Building Transnational Bodies: Norway and the International Development of Laboratory Animal Science, ca. 1956–1980, Tone Druglitrø and Robert G. W. Kirk, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 333-357, 2014, 生物学

Inventing Homo gardarensis: Prestige, Pressure, and Human Evolution in Interwar Scandinavia, Peter C. Kjærgaard, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 359-383, 2014, 人类学

DARWINIAN WE ARE NOT: COUNTERFACTUALISM AS THE NATURAL COURSE OF HISTORY (pages 295–303), Ian Hesketh, History and Theory , 53, 2, 295-303, 2014, 生物学

The formal Darwinism project: editors’ introduction, Samir Okasha, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 153-154, 2014, 生物学

The formal darwinism project in outline, Alan Grafen, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 155-174, 2014, 生物学

Has Grafen formalized Darwin?, Jonathan Birch, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 175-180, 2014, 生物学

Fitness, inclusive fitness, and optimization, Laurent Lehmann, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 181-195, 2014, 生物学

Grafen, the Price equations, fitness maximization, optimisation and the fundamental theorem of natural selection, Warren J. Ewens, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 197-205, 2014, 生物学

Life, the universe and everything, Andy Gardner, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 207-215, 2014, 生物学

Levels of selection and the formal Darwinism project, Deborah E. Shelton, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 217-224, 2014, 生物学

Adaptation, fitness and the selection-optimality links, Samir Okasha, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 225-232, 2014, 生物学

Genetic dissent and individual compromise, David Haig, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 233-239, 2014, 生物学

The gene’s-eye view, major transitions and the formal darwinism project, Andrew F. G. Bourke, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 241-248, 2014, 生物学

Formal Darwinism, Sahotra Sarkar, , , 249-257, 2014, 生物学

A commentary on “The Formal Darwinism Project”: there is no grandeur in this view of life, Steven Hecht Orzack, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 259-270, 2014, 生物学

Formal Darwinism as a tool for understanding the status of organisms in evolutionary biology, P. Huneman, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 271-279, 2014, 生物学

The formal darwinism project in outline: response to commentaries, Alan Grafen, Biology & Philosophy, 29, 2, 281-292, 2014, 生物学

Welcome to papers from the Fifth International Symposium on Dinosaur Eggs and Babies, Xingsheng Jin, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 141-143, 2014, 生物学

Eggshell structure, parataxonomy and phylogenetic analysis: some notes on articles published from 2002 to 2011, Konstantin E. Mikhailov, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 144-154, 2014, 生物学

Nest taphonomy of common terns (Sterna hirundo) on Poplar Island, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, Paula L. Wang, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 155-164, 2014, 生物学

Sediment and eggshell interactions: using abrasion to assess transport in fossil eggshell accumulations, Sara E. Oser, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 165-172, 2014, 生物学

Evaluating deformation in Spheroolithus dinosaur eggs from Zhejiang, China, Hannah M. Wilson, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 173-182, 2014, 生物学

Eggs and clutches of the Spheroolithidae from the Cretaceous Tiantai basin, Zhejiang Province, China, Daniel E. Barta, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 183-194, 2014, 生物学

A re-evaluation of aff. Megaloolithidae eggshell fragments from the uppermost Cretaceous of the Pyrenees and implications for crocodylomorph eggshell structure, Miguel Moreno-Azanza, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 195-205, 2014, 生物学

Miguel Moreno-Azanza, Vasco Ribeiro, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 206-217, 2014, 生物学

First record of a complete giant theropod egg clutch from Upper Cretaceous deposits, South Korea, Min Huh, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 218-228, 2014, 生物学

Alfred Nicholson Leeds and the first fossil egg attributed to a ‘saurian’, J.J. Liston, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 229-235, 2014, 生物学

An early juvenile specimen of Bolong yixianensis (Ornithopoda: Iguanodontia) from the Lower Cretaceous of Ningcheng County, Nei Mongol, China, Wenjie Zheng, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 236-251, 2014, 生物学

A new juvenile specimen of Yunnanosaurus robustus (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from Early to Middle Jurassic of Chuxiong Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, Toru Sekiya, Historical Biology, 26, 2, 252-277, 2014, 生物学

Darwin, Malthus, Süssmilch, and Euler: The Ultimate Origin of the Motivation for the Theory of Natural Selection, Dominic Klyve, Journal of the History of Biology, 47, 2, 189-212, 2014, 生物学

A Brief History of the Changing Occupations and Demographics of Coleopterists from the 18th Through the 20th Century, Scott A. Elias, Journal of the History of Biology, 47, 2, 213-242, 2014, 生物学

Rethinking Woodger’s Legacy in the Philosophy of Biology, Daniel J. Nicholson, Journal of the History of Biology, 47, 2, 243-292, 2014, 生物学

From Formation to Ecosystem: Tansley’s Response to Clements’ Climax, Arnold G. van der Valk, Journal of the History of Biology, 47, 2, 293-321, 2014, 生物学

Capturing the will: Imposture, delusion, and exposure in Alfred Russel Wallace’s defence of spirit photography, Benjamin David Mitchell, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 46, , 15-24, 2014, 生物学

The plant breeding industry after pure line theory: Lessons from the National Institute of Agricultural Botany, Dominic Berry, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 46, , 25-37, 2014, 生物学

The normative structure of mathematization in systematic biology, Beckett Sterner, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 46, , 44-54, 2014, 生物学

Practical animal breeding as the key to an integrated view of genetics, eugenics and evolutionary theory: Arend L. Hagedoorn (1885–1953), Bert Theunissen, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 46, , 55-64, 2014, 生物学

The unnatural racial naturalism, Quayshawn Spencer, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 46, , 38-43, 2014, 生物学

It’s all in the detail: a tribute to Hilary Birks and her contributions to palaeoecology, Anne E. Bjune, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 175-176, 2014, 生物学

Tundra and boreal forest of interior Alaska during terminal MIS 6 and MIS 5e, Nancy H. Bigelow, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 177-193, 2014, 生物学

Living on the good soil: relationships between soils, vegetation and human settlement during the late Allerød period in Denmark, Morten Fischer Mortensen, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 195-205, 2014, 生物学

Tree taxa immigration to the eastern Baltic region, southeastern sector of Scandinavian glaciation during the Late-glacial period (14,500–11,700 cal. b.p.), Leeli Amon, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 207-216, 2014, 生物学

Palynological richness and evenness: insights from the taxa accumulation curve, Thomas Giesecke, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 217-228, 2014, 生物学

Late glacial and Holocene environmental changes inferred from sediments in Lake Myklevatnet, Nordfjord, western Norway, Atle Nesje, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 229-248, 2014, 生物学

The potential of stomata analysis in conifers to estimate presence of conifer trees: examples from the Alps, Brigitta Ammann, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 249-264, 2014, 生物学

Representation of aquatic vegetation change by plant macrofossils in a small and shallow freshwater lake, Gina H. Clarke, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 265-276, 2014, 生物学

Roman impact on the landscape near castellum Fectio, The Netherlands, Valerie van den Bos, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 277-298, 2014, 生物学

After 8 years of annual pollen trapping across the tree line in western Norway: are the data still anomalous?, Anne Elisabeth Bjune, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 299-308, 2014, 生物学

Challenges in the presentation and analysis of plant-macrofossil stratigraphical data, H. John B. Birks, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 309-330, 2014, 生物学

First records and potential palaeoecological significance of Dianella(Xanthorrhoeaceae), an extinct representative of the native flora of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Núria Cañellas-Boltà, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 3, 331-338, 2014, 生物学

First record of Longosomatidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Iceland with a worldwide review of diagnostic characters of the family, Julio Parapar, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 17-18, 983-998, 2014, 生物学

Report on the Raphitomidae Bellardi, 1875 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Conoidea) from the China Seas, Baoquan Li, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 17-18, 999-1025, 2014, 生物学

Descriptions of Pelodera scrofulata sp. nov. and Pelodera aligarhensis sp. nov. (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) with supplementary information on Pelodera teres(Schneider, 1866)., Qudsia Tahseen, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 17-18, 1027-1053, 2014, 生物学

Description of a new genus and species of the subfamily Arcoscalpellinae Zevina, 1978 (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Scalpellidae) from deep waters of the South China Sea, Ren Xian-Qiu, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 17-18, 1055-1060, 2014, 生物学

Larval development and emigration behaviour during sea-to-land transition of the land hermit crab Coenobita brevimanus Dana, 1852 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae) under laboratory conditions, Katsuyuki Hamasaki, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 17-18, 1061-1084, 2014, 生物学

A revisional study of the Chinese species of Amphiops Erichson (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Chaetarthriini), J.I.A. Fenglong, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 17-18, 1085-1101, 2014, 生物学

Moth floral visitors of the three rewarding Platanthera orchids revealed by interval photography with a digital camera, Kenji Suetsugu, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 17-18, 1103-1109, 2014, 生物学

Wallaceaphytis: an unusual new genus of parasitoid wasp (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) from Borneo, Andrew Polaszek, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1111-1123, 2014, 生物学

Life cycle of Huarpea fallax (Hymenoptera: Sapygidae) in a xeric forest in Argentina, Juan Pablo Torretta, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1125-1134, 2014, 生物学

New eriophyoid mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) from cultivated plants from northeastern Brazil, including the second taxon in the Prothricinae, Aleuny Coutinho Reis, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1135-1152, 2014, 生物学

Influence of riparian quality on macroinvertebrate assemblages in subtropical mountain streams, L. M. Mesa, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1153-1167, 2014, 生物学

Homing behaviour of rock pool blenny Parablennius parvicornis (Pisces: Blenniidae), L. Thyssen, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1169-1179, 2014, 生物学

The vocal repertoire of Myrmeciza loricata (Lichtenstein, 1823) (Aves: Thamnophilidae), T.O.S. Amorim, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1181-1198, 2014, 生物学

Relationships between helminth communities and diet in Canarian lizards: the evidence from Gallotia atlantica (Squamata: Lacertidae), Miguel A. Carretero, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1199-1216, 2014, 生物学

Range and natural history of point-tailed palmcreepers (Aves: Furnariidae), Leonardo Esteves Lopes , Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1217-1224, 2014, 生物学

Coccidian parasites of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) and grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) in England, S.J. Ball, Journal of Natural History   , 48, 19-20, 1225-1230, 2014, 生物学

 Charles Francis Adams: diary of a young American taxidermist visiting New Zealand, 1884–1887, B. J. Gill, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 1-17, 2014, 生物学

Return to sender: Hydrozoa collected by Emperor Hirohito of Japan in the 1930s and studied in Brussels, Yves Samyn, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 17-25, 2014, 生物学

The Royal Horticultural Society's 1864 botanical competition, Richard Middleton, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 25-45, 2014, 生物学

Popularizing marine natural history in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain, P. G. Moore, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 45-63, 2014, 生物学

Natural history “collectors”: exploring the ambiguities, A. M. Lucas and P. J. Lucas, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 63-75, 2014, 生物学

The first egg of Jerdon's courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus and a review of the early records of this species, Alan G. Knox, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 75-94, 2014, 生物学

The entomologist David Sharp and his unwitting benefactor William Bontine, G. N. Foster and R. E. Close, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 94-100, 2014, 生物学

Describing plants in a new mode: the introduction of dichotomies into sixteenth-century botanical literature, Holger Funk, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 100-113, 2014, 生物学

Animal taxa named for Rollo H. Beck, Gary M. Fellers, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 113-124, 2014, 生物学

Petrus Magni and the history of fresh-water aquaculture in the later Middle Ages, Ingvar Svanberg , Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 124-131, 2014, 生物学

The katydid that was: the tananá, stridulation, Henry Walter Bates and Charles Darwin, Claudio J. Bidau, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 131-141, 2014, 生物学

The early scientific history of Galapagos iguanas, Storrs L. Olson, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 141-154, 2014, 生物学

Michael Denis Crane (1946–2013), Hugh S. Torrens, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 154-159, 2014, 生物学

Ming the forgotten celebrity: a giant panda skull at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Kristin D. Hussey , Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 159-162, 2014, 生物学

The natural history interests of the Barrington family of Fassaroe, County Wicklow, Ireland, E. Charles Nelson , Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 162-164, 2014, 生物学

The will of Ludwig Heinrich Bojanus (1776–1827), an interesting nineteenth-century natural history document, Piotr Daszkiewicz, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 164-167, 2014, 生物学

An annotated catalogue of the marine biological paintings of Thomas Alan Stephensona fourth missing painting found, R. B. Williams , Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 167-168, 2014, 生物学

Discovered in Philadelphia: a third set of Thomas Horsfield's nature prints of plants from Java, Robert McCracken Peck, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 168-170, 2014, 生物学

Another published letter by Philip Henry Gosse: a beluga in the English Channel, R. B. Williams, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 170-172, 2014, 生物学

Additions to Philip Henry Gosse's bibliography: letters to newspapers and horticultural periodicals 1864–1879, E. Charles Nelson, Archives of Natural History , 41, 1, 172-176, 2014, 生物学

Neelam Kumar, ed. Gender and Science: Studies across Cultures., Pamela Gossin, ISIS    , 105, 1, 200-202, 2014, 人类学




Alexandra Hui. The Psychophysical Ear: Musical Experiments, Experimental Sounds, 1840– 1910., Karin Bijsterveld, ISIS    , 105, 1, 232-233, 2014, 心理学

Ludwik Flecks Gestaltbegriff und sein Blick auf die Gestaltpsychologie seiner Zeit, Claus Zittel, NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 22, 1-2, 9-29, 2014, 心理学

Wissenschaft und Magie, Sylwia Werner, NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 22, 1-2, 31-48, 2014, 心理学

„Gedankenwanderung“, Michael Neumann, NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 22, 1-2, 49-68, 2014, 心理学

Gedankenverkehr, Kreuzung und Verdichtung, Rainer Egloff, NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 22, 1-2, 69-85, 2014, 心理学

„Gerichtetes Wahrnehmen“, „Stimmung“, „soziale Verstärkung“, Julian Bauer, NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 22, 1-2, 87-109, 2014, 心理学

Was denkt im Individuum?, Eva Johach, NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 22, 1-2, 111-132, 2014, 心理学

Hermannsburg, 1929: Turning Aboriginal “Primitives” into Modern Psychological Subjects , Warwick Anderson, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 50, 2, 127-147, 2014, 心理学

Turning Men into Machines? Scientific Management, Industrial Psychology, and the “Human Factor” (pages 148–165), Maarten Derksen, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 50, 2, 148-165, 2014, 心理学

“Picturesque Incisiveness”: Explaining the Celebrity of James's Theory of Emotion (pages 166–188), Claudia Wassmann, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 50, 2, 166-188, 2014, 心理学

The Emergence and Development of Bekhterev's Psychoreflexology in Relation to Wundt's Experimental Psychology (pages 189–210), Saulo de Freitas Araujo, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 50, 2, 189-210, 2014, 心理学




Wetenschapsbeoefening en belangenbehartiging: naar een nieuwe geschiedschrijving van negentiende-eeuwse medische genootschappen in de Lage Landen, Joris Vandendriessche, Studium , 7, 1, 36-49, 2014, 医学

The Science of Automatic Precision: The Rise and Fall of Spectro-Chrome Therapy, Matthew Lavine, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences    , 44, 2, 140-177, 2014, 医学

Brian B. Hoffman. Adrenaline., John Parascandola, ISIS    , 105, 1, 199, 2014, 医学

Jacques Jouanna; Neil Allies; Philip van der Eijk, eds. Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen: Selected Papers., Laurence Totelin, ISIS    , 105, 1, 208, 2014, 医学

Vivian Nutton. Ancient Medicine., Georgia Irby, ISIS    , 105, 1, 209-210, 2014, 医学

L. Stephen Jacyna; Stephen T. Casper, eds. The Neurological Patient in History.,  Andrew Scull, ISIS    , 105, 1, 234-235, 2014, 医学

From Administrative Infrastructure to Biomedical Resource: Danish Population Registries, the “Scandinavian Laboratory,” and the “Epidemiologist's Dream”, Susanne Bauer, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 187-213, 2014, 医学

Producing Standards, Producing the Nordic Region: Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing, from 1950–1970, Anne Kveim Lie, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 215-248, 2014, 医学

Versions of Milk and Versions of Care: The Emergence of Mother's Milk as an Interested Object and Medicine as a Form of Dispassionate Care, Kristin Asdal, Science in Context    , 27, 2, 307-331, 2014, 医学

The Central Institute for Brain Research in Amsterdam and its Directors, Paul Eling, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 109-119, 2014, 医学

Al-Akhawayni and the Early Descriptions of Meningitis, Behnam Dalfardi, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 120-126, 2014, 医学

More than a Disease: The History of General Paralysis of the Insane in Turkey, Fatih Artvinli, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 127-139, 2014, 医学

Broca and Charcot’s Research on Jacques Inaudi:The Psychological and Anthropological Study of a Mental Calculator, Serge Nicolas, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 140-159, 2014, 医学

Walther Birkmayer, Co-describer of L-Dopa, and His Nazi Connections: Victim or Perpetrator?, Herwig Czech, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 160-191, 2014, 医学

Kanashibari (金縛り): A Ghost’s Business, Régis Olry , Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 192-197, 2014, 医学

Lexikon der Epileptologie by Günter Krämer, Peter J. Koehler, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 204-205, 2014, 医学

The Neurological Patient in History by L. Stephen Jacyna and Stephen T. Casper (eds.), Frank W. Stahnisch, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 23, 2, 206-208, 2014, 医学

The Unwanted Heroes: War Invalids in Poland after World War I , Anita Magowska, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 185-220, 2014, 医学

Efficacy and Enlightenment: LSD Psychotherapy and the Drug Amendments of 1962 , Matthew Oram, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 221-250, 2014, 医学

Matthew Oram, Anne K. Merritt, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 251-293, 2014, 医学

Neuro Psychiatry 1943: The Role of Documentary Film in the Dissemination of Medical Knowledge and Promotion of the U.K. Psychiatric Profession , Edgar Jones, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 294-324, 2014, 医学

Edgar Jones, Heiner Fangerau, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 324-326, 2014, 医学

Plague Hospitals: Public Health for the City in Early Modern Venice by Jane L. Stevens Crawshaw (review) , Jonathan Seitz, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 327-329, 2014, 医学

Jonathan Seitz, Frederick R. Davis, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 329-331, 2014, 医学

William Richard Gowers, 1845–1915: Exploring the Victorian Brain by Ann Scott, Mervyn Eadie, and Andrew Lees (review) , Stephen T. Casper, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 331-333, 2014, 医学

Beriberi in Modern Japan: The Making of a National Disease by Alexander Bay (review) , Roberto Padilla II, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 333-335, 2014, 医学

Roberto Padilla II, Annika Berg, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 335-338, 2014, 医学

Golden Holocaust: Origins of the Cigarette Catastrophe and the Case for Abolition by Robert N. Proctor (review) , Nan Enstad, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 338-340, 2014, 医学

A Disability History of the United States by Kim E. Nielsen (review) , Lisa J. Pruitt, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 341-343, 2014, 医学

Barefoot Doctors and Western Medicine in China by Fang Xiaoping (review) , Mary Augusta Brazelton, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 343-345, 2014, 医学

Therapeutic Revolutions: Medicine, Psychiatry, and American Culture, 1945–1970 by Martin Halliwell , Allan V. Horwitz, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 345-347, 2014, 医学

The Inevitable Hour: A History of Caring for Dying Patients in America by Emily K. Abel (review) , Vicki E. Daniel, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 2, 347-349, 2014, 医学

The Early Eugenics Movement and Emerging Professional Psychiatry: Conceptual Transfers and Personal Relationships between Germany and North America, 1880s to 1930s, Frank Stahnisch, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 17-40, 2014, 医学

Eugenics and Racial Biology in Sweden and the USSR: Contacts across the Baltic Sea, Per Anders Rudling, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 41-75, 2014, 医学

Eugenics and Migration: A Case Study of Salvation Army Literature about Canada and Britain, c.1890-1921, Graham Baker, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 77-98, 2014, 医学

“A Visitation of Providence:” Public Health and Eugenic Reform in the Wake of the Halifax Disaster, Leslie Baker, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 99-122, 2014, 医学

“Our Power to Remodel Civilization”: The Development of Eugenic Feminism in Alberta, 1909-1921, Sheila Gibbons, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 123-142, 2014, 医学

Eugenics in the Community: Gendered Professions and Eugenic Sterilization in Alberta, 1928-1972, Amy Samson, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 143-463, 2014, 医学

Sterilization and Birth Control in the Shadow of Eugenics: Married, Middle-Class Women in Alberta, 1930-1960s, Erika Dyck, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 165-187, 2014, 医学

Contraception or Eugenics? Sterilization and “Mental Retardation” in the 1970s and 1980s, Molly Ladd-Taylor, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History      , 31, 1, 189-211, 2014, 医学

‘Scientific Truth into Homely Language’: The Training and Practice of Midwives in Ophthalmia Neonatorum, 1895–1914, Anne Hanley, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 199-220, 2014, 医学

‘I'm not the tradesman’: A Case Study of District Midwifery in Nottingham and Derby 1954–1974, Tania McIntosh, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 221-240, 2014, 医学

Eyesight and Governance in Britain: Bureaucracy and the Senses in the 1920s, Caroline Weaver, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 241-259, 2014, 医学

Modern Mothers for Third World Nations: Population Control, Western Medical Imperialism, and Cold War Politics in Haiti, Adam M. Silvia, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 260-280, 2014, 医学

Christianity and Eugenics: The Place of Religion in the British Eugenics Education Society and the American Eugenics Society, c.1907–1940, Graham J. Baker, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 281-302, 2014, 医学

Madness and Sexual Psychopathies as the Magnifying Glass of the Normal: Italian Psychiatry and Sexuality c.1880–1910, Chiara Beccalossi, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 303-325, 2014, 医学

The Rise of Child Psychiatry in Portugal: An Intimate Social and Political History, 1915–1959, Angela Marques Filipe, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 326-348, 2014, 医学

Heroes and Hysterics: ‘Partisan Hysteria’ and Communist State-building in Yugoslavia after 1945, Ana Antić, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 349-371, 2014, 医学

Making Global Health History: The Postcolonial Worldliness of Biomedicine, Warwick Anderson, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 372-384, 2014, 医学

Tania McIntosh, A Social History of Maternity and Childbirth: Key Themes in Maternity Care, Angela Davis, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 385-386, 2014, 医学

Janet Greenlees and Linda Bryder (eds), Western Maternity and Medicine, 1880–1990, Tanya Evans, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 386-388, 2014, 医学

Nicola Goc, Women, Infanticide and the Press, 1822–1922: News Narratives in England and Australia, Katherine Watson, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 388-389, 2014, 医学

Deborah Weinstein, The Pathological Family: Postwar America and the Rise of Family Therapy, Matthew Smith, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 389-391, 2014, 医学

John Stewart, Child Guidance in Britain, 1918–1955: The Dangerous Age of Childhood, Pamela Dale, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 391-392, 2014, 医学

Pat Thane and Tanya Evans, Sinners? Scroungers? Saints?: Unmarried Motherhood in Twentieth-Century England, Janet Greenlees, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 392-394, 2014, 医学

Yolanda Eraso, Representing Argentinian Mothers: Medicine, Ideas and Culture in the Modern Era, 1900–1946, Linda Bryder, Social History of Medicine  , 27, 2, 394-395, 2014, 医学

The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture: The Aesthetic Grounding of Modern Medicine , John Harley Warner, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 1-47, 2014, 医学

Metaphors and Images of Cancer in Early Modern Europe , Michael Stolberg, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 48-74, 2014, 医学

Cargo, “Infection,” and the Logic of Quarantine in the Nineteenth Century , David S. Barnes, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 75-101, 2014, 医学

Exercises in Therapy—Neurological Gymnastics between Kurort and Hospital Medicine, 1880–1945 , Katja Guenther, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 102-131, 2014, 医学

Ex Utero: Live Human Fetal Research and the Films of Davenport Hooker , Emily K. Wilson, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 132-160, 2014, 医学

“Patient Zero”: The Absence of a Patient’s View of the Early North American AIDS Epidemic , Richard A. McKay, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 161-194, 2014, 医学

Communities of Learned Experience: Epistolary Medicine in the Renaissance by Nancy G. Siraisi (review) , Paula Findlen, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 195-196, 2014, 医学

Witchcraft and Inquisition in Early Modern Venice by Jonathan Seitz (review) , David Lederer, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 197-198, 2014, 医学

A Impulsos de una Rara Resolución: El Viaje de Jose Celestino Mutis al Nuevo Reino de Granada, 1760–1763 by Jaime Bernal Villegas, Alberto Gómez Gutiérrez (review) , Adam Warren, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 198-200, 2014, 医学

The Anatomy of Blackness: Science and Slavery in an Age of Enlightenment by Andrew S. Curran (review) , Nicholas Hudson, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 200-202, 2014, 医学

Cultivating the Colonies: Colonial States and Their Environmental Legacies ed. by Christina Folke Ax et al. (review) , Alison Bashford, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 202-203, 2014, 医学

Knowledge in the Time of Cholera: The Struggle over American Medicine in the Nineteenth Century by Owen Whooley (review) , Pamela K. Gilbert, Bulletin of the History of Medicine  , 88, 1, 204-205, 2014, 医学




Making Expert Knowledge through the Image: Connections between Antiquarian and Early Modern Scientific Illustration, Stephanie Moser, ISIS    , 105, 1, 58-99, 2014, 技术

Assembling Fordizm: The Production of Automobiles, Americans, and Bolsheviks in Detroit and Early Soviet Russia, David E. Greenstein, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 2, 259-289, 2014, 技术




David Hochfelder. The Telegraph in America, 1832–1920., Robert MacDougall, ISIS    , 105, 1, 231, 2014, 电子

Herbert Bruderer. Konrad Zuse und die Schweiz: Wer hat den Computer erfunden?., Raul Rojas, ISIS    , 105, 1, 244-245, 2014, 电子

Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette. Science on American Television: A History., Jean-Baptiste Gouyon, ISIS    , 105, 1, 245, 2014, 电子




Veiling the Late Roman House, John W. Stephenson, Textile History, 45, 1, 3-31, 2014, 纺织史

Immigrants and Apprentices: Solutions to the Post-War Labour Shortage in the West Yorkshire Wool Textile Industry, 1945–1980, Laura Price, Textile History, 45, 1, 32-48, 2014, 纺织史

Fashion and Consumption of Painted and Printed Calicoes in the Mediterranean during the later Seventeenth Century: The Case of Chintz Quilts and Banyans in Marseilles, Olivier Raveux, Textile History, 45, 1, 49-67, 2014, 纺织史

Capturing Understanding of Women’s Embroidery Designs: A Methodology for Research and a Critique of Cataloguing Databases using the Example of Women’s Embroidery in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Moira Thunder, Textile History, 45, 1, 68-98, 2014, 纺织史

Evaluating the Manufacturing and Retailing Practices of H. J. & D. Nicoll through a c. 1860 Boy’s Suit, Clare Rose, Textile History, 45, 1, 99-118, 2014, 纺织史




Milton Leitenberg; Raymond A. Zilinskas; Jens H. Kuhn. The Soviet Biological Weapons Program: A History., Paul Josephson, ISIS    , 105, 1, 202-203, 2014, 军事

John R. Walker. Britain and Disarmament: The U.K. and Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons Arms Control and Programmes, 1956–1975., Rich Hamerla, ISIS    , 105, 1, 254-255, 2014, 军事