










环境监测与互联网技术在北五省会馆壁画保护中的应用,马琳燕等,文博 580-872014






































































Which materialism? Against which idealism? Dialectical thinking of nature according to Hegel, Engels and Schelling, Stany Mazurkiewicz, Almagest    , 5, 1, 14-21, 2014, 总论,

Making discoveries for a better life vs. bringing fruits to the national treasury: Davy, Babbage, Brewster and the (ongoing) struggle for the soul of science, Vangelis Koutalis, Almagest    , 5, 1, 52-109, 2014, 总论

Regimens of the Mind. Boyle, Locke and the Early Modern Cultura Animi Tradition, Vivian Nutton, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 581-583, 2014, 总论, 书评

Fictions of the Cosmos. Science and Literature in the Seventeenth Century, Jacqueline Wernimont, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 583-585, 2014, 总论, 书评

Vision, Science and Literature, 1870–1920: Ocular Horizons, James Strick, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 588-590, 2014, 总论, 书评

The Evolution of Lakatos’s Repercussion on the Methodology of Economics(pp. 1-25)  , Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, HOPOS , 4, 1, 1-25, 2014, 总论

Wronski’s Infinities(pp. 26-61), Roy Wagner, HOPOS , 4, 1, 26-61, 2014, 总论

Caught in the Middle: Philosophy of Science between the Historical Turn and Formal Philosophy as Illustrated by the Program of “Kuhn Sneedified”(pp. 62-82)  , Christian Damböck, HOPOS , 4, 1, 62-82, 2014, 总论

Hermann Cohen and Alois Riehl on Geometrical Empiricism(pp. 83-105) , Francesca Biagioli, HOPOS , 4, 1, 83-105, 2014, 总论

Darwin’s Principle: The Use of Contrastive Reasoning in the Confirmation of Evolution(pp. 106-149)  , Cornelius Hunter, HOPOS , 4, 1, 106-149, 2014, 总论

Andrew Jewett, Science, Democracy, and the American University: From the Civil War to the Cold War(pp. 150-153) , Review by: George A. Reisch, HOPOS , 4, 1, 150-153, 2014, 总论, 书评

Joel Isaac, Working Knowledge: Making the Human Sciences from Parsons to Kuhn(pp. 154-157) , Review by: Gary L. Hardcastle, HOPOS , 4, 1, 154-157, 2014, 总论, 书评

Vasso Kindi and Theodore Arabatzis, eds., Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” Revisited(pp. 157-161)  , Review by: Eric Oberheim, HOPOS , 4, 1, 1578-161, 2014, 总论, 书评

Chunglin Kwa, Styles of Knowing: A New History of Science from Ancient Times to the Present(pp. 161-165)  , Review by: Elay Schech, HOPOS , 4, 1, 161-165, 2014, 总论, 书评

Adrian Bardon, A Brief History of the Philosophy of Time(pp. 165-168) , Review by: Robert Rynasiewicz, HOPOS , 4, 1, 165-168, 2014, 总论, 书评

Richard A. Richards, The Species Problem: A Philosophical Analysis(pp. 169-172) , Review by: Gal Kober, HOPOS , 4, 1, 169-172, 2014, 总论, 书评

Cheryl Misak, The American Pragmatists(pp. 172-176), Review by: Trevor Pearce, HOPOS , 4, 1, 172-176, 2014, 总论, 书评

Auguste Comte, Michel Bourdeau, Laurent Clauzade, and Frédéric Dupin, eds., Oeuvres: Cours de philosophie positive, leçons 46–51(pp. 176-178)  , Review by: Anastasios Brenner, HOPOS , 4, 1, 176-178, 2014, 总论, 书评

Alex Levine and Adriana Novoa, ¡Darwinistas! The Construction of Evolutionary Thought in Nineteenth Century Argentina, Review by: Irina Podgorny, HOPOS , 4, 1, 179-182, 2014, 总论, 书评

Michel Meulders and Laurence Garey, eds., Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience, Review by: Patrick J. McDonald, HOPOS , 4, 1, 182-186, 2014, 总论, 书评

Philip Ball, Curiosity: How Science Became Interested in Everything, Review by: Michael Futch, HOPOS , 4, 1, 186-189, 2014, 总论, 书评

Eric Jorink and Ad Maas, eds., Newton and the Netherlands: How Isaac Newton Was Fashioned in the Dutch Republic, Review by: Steffen Ducheyne, HOPOS , 4, 1, 189-192, 2014, 总论, 书评

Klaas van Berkel, Isaac Beeckman on Matter and Motion(pp. 192-196)  , Review by: Richard T. W. Arthur, HOPOS , 4, 1, 192-196, 2014, 总论, 书评

Christoph Lüthy, David Gorlaeus (1591–1612): An Enigmatic Figure in the History of Philosophy and Science(pp. 196-199)  , Review by: Anthony J. DeSantis, HOPOS , 4, 1, 196-199, 2014, 总论, 书评

André Goddu, Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition: Education, Reading, and Philosophy in Copernicus’s Path to Heliocentrism(pp. 199-203), Review by: Adam Mosley, HOPOS , 4, 1, 199-203, 2014, 总论, 书评

Patrick J. Boner, Kepler’s Cosmological Synthesis: Astrology, Mechanism and the Soul(pp. 203-206), Review by: Anastasia Guidi Itokazu, HOPOS , 4, 1, 203-206, 2014, 总论, 书评

Calvin B. Kendall and Faith Wallis, Bede: “On the Nature of Things” and “On Times(pp. 206-208), Review by: Henrik Lagerlund, HOPOS , 4, 1, 206-208, 2014, 总论, 书评

Richard Bett, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism(pp. 208-212) , Review by: Mohamed Mehdi, HOPOS , 4, 1, 208-212, 2014, 总论, 书评

Daniel Graham, Science before Socrates: Parmenides, Anaxagoras, and the New Astronomy(pp. 212-215)  , Review by: Joseph G. Miller, HOPOS , 4, 1, 212-215, 2014, 总论, 书评

Crossing the Epistemological Divide: Foucault, Barthes, and Neo-Kantianism(pp. 217-240) , Joshua Rayman, HOPOS , 4,2, 217-240, 2014, 总论

Ernst Cassirer’s Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff(pp. 241-270), Jeremy Heis, HOPOS , 4, 2, 241-270, 2014, 总论

Aristotle on the Emergence of Material Complexity: Meteorology IV and Aristotle’s Biology(pp. 272-305) , James G. Lennox, HOPOS , 4,2, 272-305, 2014, 总论

Scientific Method in Meteorology IV(pp. 306-334) , Tiberiu Popa, HOPOS , 4, 2, 306-334, 2014, 总论

The Limits of Teleology in Aristotle’s Meteorology IV.12(pp. 335-350) , Mary Louise Gill, HOPOS , 4, 2, 335-350, 2014, 总论

Paul Erickson, Judy L. Klein, Lorraine Daston, Rebecca Lemov, Thomas Sturm, and Michael D. Gordin, How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind: The Strange Career of Cold War Rationality(pp. 358-361) , Review by: George Reisch, HOPOS , 4,2, 358-361, 2014, 总论, 书评

Peter Achinstein, Evidence and Method(pp. 361-365), Review by: Katherine Dunlop, HOPOS , 4, 2, 361-365, 2014, 总论, 书评

William H. Krieger, ed., Science at the Frontiers: Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of Science(pp. 365-367), Review by: Laura M. Seger, HOPOS , 4, 2, 365-367, 2014, 总论, 书评

Tian Yu Cao, From Current Algebra to Quantum Chromodynamics: A Case for Structural Realism(pp. 368-371) , Review by: Christian Wüthrich, HOPOS , 4, 2, 368-371, 2014, 总论, 书评

Michel Bourdeau, Auguste Comte: Science et société(pp. 371-375), Review by: Alexandra Newton, HOPOS , 4, 2, 375-378, 2014, 总论, 书评

Ofer Gal and Raz Chen-Morris, Baroque Science(pp. 379-382) , Review by: Christoph Lüthy, HOPOS , 4, 2, 379-382, 2014, 总论, 书评

Jed Z. Buchwald and Mordechai Feingold, Newton and the Origin of Civilization(pp. 383-387) , Review by: Chris Smeenk, HOPOS , 4, 2, 383-387, 2014, 总论, 书评

Emma Gee, Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition(pp. 387-390), Review by: James Lattis, HOPOS , 4, 2, 387-390, 2014, 总论, 书评

Phillip Sidney Horky, Plato and Pythagoreanism(pp. 391-393), Review by: Joseph G. Miller, HOPOS , 4, 2, 391-393, 2014, 总论, 书评

Race and Laboratory Norms: The Critical Insights of Julian Herman Lewis (1891–1989)(pp. 477-507) , Christopher Crenner, ISIS    , 105, 3, 477-507, 2014, 总论

Botanical Authority: Benjamin Delessert's Collections between Travelers and Candolle's Natural Method (1803–1847), Thierry Hoquet, ISIS    , 105, 3, 508-539, 2014, 总论

Greco-Roman Ethics and the Naturalistic Fantasy(pp. 569-578), Brooke Holmes, ISIS    , 105, 3, 569-578, 2014, 总论

The Naturalistic Fallacy Is Modern(pp. 579-587), Lorraine Daston, ISIS    , 105, 3, 579-587, 2014, 总论

A Field Study of Con Games, Erika Lorraine Milam, ISIS    , 105, 3, 596-605, 2014, 总论

Getting Ahead of One's Self?: The Common Culture of Immunology and Philosophy(pp. 606-616) , Warwick Anderson, ISIS    , 105, 3, 606-616, 2014, 总论

Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley; Marelene Rayner-Canham; Geoff Rayner-Canham; Alison Prentice, eds. Creating Complicated Lives: Women and Science at English-Canadian Universities, 1880–1980.(p. 621)  , Review by: Suzanne Le-May Sheffield, ISIS    , 105, 3, 621, 2014, 总论, 书评

Martin Campbell-Kelly; William Aspray; Nathan Ensmenger; Jeffery R. Yost. Computer: A History of the Information Machine., Review by: Allan Olley, ISIS    , 105, 3, 622-623, 2014, 总论, 书评

Olaf Breidbach; Kerrin Klinger; Matthias Müller. Camera Obscura: Die Dunkelkammer in ihrer historischen Entwicklung., Review by: Klaus Hentschel, ISIS    , 105, 3, 622, 2014, 总论, 书评

Loren Graham. Lonely Ideas: Can Russia Compete?.(pp. 623-624)  , Review by: Ksenia Tatarchenko, ISIS    , 105, 3, 623-624, 2014, 总论, 书评

Klaus Hentschel, ed. Zur Geschichte von Forschungstechnologien: Generizität—Interstitialität—Transfer., Review by: Eric Lettkemann, ISIS    , 105, 3, 624-625, 2014, 总论, 书评

Paul Josephson; Nicolai Dronin; Ruben Mnatsakanian; Aleh Cherp; Dmitry Efremenko; Vladislav Larin. An Environmental History of Russia., Review by: Andy Bruno, ISIS    , 105, 3, 625-626, 2014, 总论, 书评

Michael Ruse. The Gaia Hypothesis: Science on a Pagan Planet., Review by: Eugene Cittadino, ISIS    , 105, 3, 626-627, 2014, 总论, 书评

Steven A. Usitalo. The Invention of Mikhail Lomonosov: A Russian National Myth., Review by: Andrew Jenks, ISIS    , 105, 3, 627-628, 2014, 总论, 书评

Margaret Weitekamp; David DeVorkin; Diane Kidd. Pluto's Secret: An Icy World's Tale of Discovery., Review by: Paul Delaney, ISIS    , 105, 3, 628-629, 2014, 总论, 书评

Glyn Williams. Naturalists at Sea: Scientific Travellers from Dampier to Darwin.(pp. 629-630) , Review by: John Gascoigne, ISIS    , 105, 3, 629-630, 2014, 总论, 书评

„In Stockholm hatte man offenbar irgendwelche Gegenbewegung” – Ferdinand Sauerbruch (1875–1951) und der Nobelpreis, Nils Hansson, Udo Schagen, NTM  , 22, 3, 133-161, 2014, 总论

Christians and Jews in the Twelfth-Century Werewolf Renaissance , David I. Shyovitz, Journal of the History of Ideas  , 75, 4, 521-543, 2014, 总论

Music-Historical Egyptomania, 1650–1950 , Alexander Rehding, Journal of the History of Ideas  , 75, 4, 545-580, 2014, 总论

Oaths, Promises, and Compulsory Duties: Kant’s Response to Mendelssohn’s Jerusalem , J. Colin McQuillan, Journal of the History of Ideas  , 75, 4, 581-604, 2014, 总论

Impossible Love and Victorian Values: J. A. Symonds and the Intellectual History of Homosexuality , Emily Rutherford, Journal of the History of Ideas  , 75, 4, 605-627, 2014, 总论

The Making of the English: English History, British Identity, Aryan Villages, 1870–1914 , Simon John Cook, Journal of the History of Ideas  , 75, 4, 629-649, 2014, 总论

The Return of Civilization—and of Arnold Toynbee?, Krishan Kumar, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 815-843, 2014, 总论

Accursed, Superior Men: Ethno-Religious Minorities and Politics in the Medieval Mediterranean, Brian A. Catlos, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 844-869, 2014, 总论

Transnational Political Cosmology: A Central Mediterranean Example, Naor Ben-Yehoyada, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 870-901, 2014, 总论

Sounding the Latin Transatlantic: Music, Integration, and Ambivalent Ethnogenesis in Spain, Joshua Tucker, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 902-933, 2014, 总论

Youth, Generations, and Collective Action in Nineteenth-Century Ireland and Italy, Niall Whelehan, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 934-966, 2014, 总论

“I serve therefore I am”: Youth and Generative Politics in India, Craig Jeffrey and Jane Dyson, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 967-994, 2014, 总论

Progress and Backwardness in Book Accumulation: Bancroft, Basadre, and Their Libraries, Ricardo D. Salvatore, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 995-1026, 2014, 总论

Mourning the Archive: Middle Eastern Photographic Heritage between Neoliberalism and Digital Reproduction, Lucie Ryzova, Comparative Studies in Society and History   , 56, 4, 1027-1061, 2014, 总论




Assemblage Biography and the Life Course: An Archaeologically Materialized Temporality of Richard and Sarah Hopkins, Craig Cessford, International Journal of Historical Archaeology       , 18, 4, 555-590, 2014, 科技考古

“The Painter in Two Frames”: An Archaeological Investigation of Kamal-ol Molk’s Agency in the Field of Art and Politics, Maryam Dezhamkhooy, 18, 4, 591-611, 2014, 科技考古

Schooling on the Missionary Frontier: The Hohi Mission Station, New Zealand, Ian W. G. Smith, 18, 4, 612-628, 2014, 科技考古

A Late Reverberation of Antiquity in Vernacular Architecture of Moravia, Martin Novotný, 18, 4, 629-642, 2014, 科技考古

“With the Gifts and Good Treatment That He Gave Them”: Elite Maya Adoption of Spanish Material Culture at Progresso Lagoon, Belize, Maxine Oland, 18, 4, 643-667, 2014, 科技考古

The Technology of the Gibbet, Sarah Tarlow, 18, 4, 668-699, 2014, 科技考古

The House of Ussher: Histories and Heritages of Improvement, Conspicuous Consumption, and Eviction on an Early Nineteenth-Century Irish Estate, David A. Whelan, Tadhg O’Keeffe, 18, 4, 700-725, 2014, 科技考古

A Geo-Historical Study of Site Formation at a Nineteenth-Century Farmstead in Lake County, Illinois, David K. Wright, Kevin P. McGowan…, 18, 4, 726-751, 2014, 科技考古

Past perspectives for the future: foundations for sustainable development in East Africa, Rob Marchant, Paul Lane, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 12-21, 2014, 科技考古

Holocene landscape intervention and plant food production strategies in island and mainland Southeast Asia, C.O. Hunt, R.J. Rabett, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 22-33, 2014, 科技考古

8000-Year old rice remains from the north edge of the Shandong Highlands, East China, GuiYun Jin, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 34-42, 2014, 科技考古

Archaeobotanical implications of phytolith assemblages from cultivated rice systems, wild rice stands and macro-regional patterns, Alison Weisskopf, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 43-53, 2014, 科技考古

Integrated palaeoecology and archaeology – a powerful approach for understanding pre-Columbian Amazonia, Francis E. Mayle, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 54-64, 2014, 科技考古

On the sensitivity of the simulated European Neolithic transition to climate extremes, Carsten Lemmen, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 65-72, 2014, 科技考古

‘Adaptive cycles’ and climate fluctuations: a case study from Linear Pottery Culture in western Central Europe, Detlef Gronenborn, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 73-83, 2014, 科技考古

Natural woodland composition and vegetation dynamic during the Linearbandkeramik in north-western Europe (central Belgium, 5200–5000 b.c.), Aurélie Salavert, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 84-93, 2014, 科技考古

The first farmers of the Northwest European Plain: some remarks on their crops, crop cultivation and impact on the environment, Corrie Bakels, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 94-97, 2014, 科技考古

The expansion of agrarian societies towards the north – new evidence for agriculture during the Mesolithic/Neolithic transition in Southern Scandinavia, Lasse Sørensen, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 98-114, 2014, 科技考古

Searching for long-term trends in prehistoric manuring practice. δ15N analyses of charred cereal grains from the 4th to the 1st millennium BC, Marie Kanstrup, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 115-125, 2014, 科技考古

Ritual and economic activity during the Neolithic in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany: an approach to combine archaeological and palynological evidence, Ingo Feeser, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 126-134, 2014, 科技考古

A Middle Neolithic well from Northern Germany: a precise source to reconstruct water supply management, subsistence economy, and deposition practices, Jan Piet Brozio, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 135-153, 2014, 科技考古

The Neolithic woodland – archaeoanthracology of six Funnel Beaker sites in the lowlands of Germany, Doris Jansen, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 154-163, 2014, 科技考古

Neolithic human impact on landscapes related to megalithic structures: palaeoecological evidence from the Krähenberg, northern Germany, Mykola Sadovnik, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 164-173, 2014, 科技考古

Collective burials among agro-pastoral societies in later Neolithic Germany: perspectives from ancient DNA, Esther J. Lee, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 174-180, 2014, 科技考古

Neolithic agriculture on the European western frontier: the boom and bust of early farming in Ireland, Nicki J. Whitehouse, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 181-205, 2014, 科技考古

Neolithic farming in north-western Europe: archaeobotanical evidence from Ireland, M. McClatchie, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 206-215, 2014, 科技考古

The impact of the Neolithic agricultural transition in Britain: a comparison of pollen-based land-cover and archaeological 14C date-inferred population change, Jessie Woodbridge, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 216-224, 2014, 科技考古

Neolithic settlement at the woodland's edge: palynological data and timber architecture in Orkney, Scotland, Michelle Farrell, Journal of Archaeological Science , 51, , 225-236, 2014, 科技考古





Holocene Paleo-Geographic Reconstructions of the Ramore Head Area, Northern Ireland, Using Geophysical and Geotechnical Data: Paleo-Landscape Mapping and Archaeological Implications (pages 411–430), Kieran Westley, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 6, 411-430, 2014, 地质考古

Patterns in the Landscape and Erosion of Cultural Sites Along the Colorado River Corridor in Grand Canyon, USA (pages 431–447), Joel L. Pederson, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 6, 431-447, 2014, 地质考古

The Geomorphological Context of Medieval Juslibol Castle in the Middle Reaches of the River Ebro, Spain (pages 448–461), José L. Peña-Monné, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 6, 448-461, 2014, 地质考古

Geophysical and Geoarchaeological Investigations at Aganoa Beach, American Samoa: An Early Archaeological Site in Western Polynesia (pages 462–476), Frederic B, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 6, 462-476, 2014, 地质考古

Placer Tin Ores from Mt. Cer, West Serbia, and Their Potential Exploitation during the Bronze Age (pages 477–493), A. Huska, Geoarchaeology   , 29, 6, 477-493, 2014, 地质考古


In the Bellies of the Marshes: Water and Power in the Countryside of Ottoman Baghdad, Faisal Husain, Environmental History, 19, 4, 638-664, 2014, 环境

“Nature Was Helping Us”: Forests, Trees, and Environmental Histories of the Holocaust, Tim Cole, Environmental History, 19, 4, 665-686, 2014, 环境

A Company Town on Common Waters: Standard Oil in the Calumet, Jonathan Wlasiuk, Environmental History, 19, 4, 687-713, 2014, 环境

Reflections on the Wilderness Act at Fifty: Editor’s Introduction, Lisa M. Brady, Environmental History, 19, 4, 714-715, 2014, 环境

The Higher Altruism, Donald Worster, Environmental History, 19, 4, 716-720, 2014, 环境

Wilderness in a Global Age, Fifty Years On, Libby Robin, Environmental History, 19, 4, 721-727, 2014, 环境

Acts of Courage, Acts of Culture: The Wilderness Act and Latin America, Emily Wakild, Environmental History, 19, 4, 728-734, 2014, 环境


The History of the History of Mathematics: Case Studies for the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Peggy Aldrich Kidwell, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 595-597, 2014, 数学, 书评

In Accordance with a “More Majestic Order”: The New Math and the Nature of Mathematics at Midcentury(pp. 540-563), Christopher J. Phillips, ISIS    , 105, 3, 540-563, 2014, 数学

‘And John Napier created logarithms...’, D. T. Whiteside, BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 29, 3, 154-166, 2014, 数学

Napier revisited or A new look at the computation of his logarithms, Joachim Fischer & Bärbel Ruess, BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 29, 3, 167-183, 2014, 数学,

Remarks on the idealist and empiricist interpretation of frequentism: Robert Leslie Ellis versus John Venn, Lukas M. Verburgt, BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 29, 3, 184-195, 2014, 数学

In the footsteps of Euler and MacMahon: combinatorics, the mathematics that counts, Robin Wilson, BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 29, 3, 196-209, 2014, 数学

The names of physics: plasma, fission, photon, , BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 29, 32014, 数学





Friedrich Engels and the unveiling of the historical dimension of the physical world: science and dialectics, Dominique Meeùs, Almagest    , 5, 1, 4-13, 2014, 物理

Spanish Jesuits in the Philippines: Geophysical Research and Synergies between Science, Education and Trade, 1865–1898, Aitor Anduaga, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 497-521, 2014, 物理

A History of Optics from Greek Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century, Klaus Hentschel, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 586-588, 2014, 物理, 书评

From Ought to Is: Physics and the Naturalistic Fallacy(pp. 588-595), Matthew Stanley, ISIS    , 105, 3, 588-595, 2014, 物理

The names of physics: plasma, fission, photon, Helge Kragh, The European Physical Journal H, 39, 3, 263-281, 2014, 物理

Classical formulations of the electromagnetic self-force of extended charged bodies, P.W. Smorenburg, The European Physical Journal H, 39, 3, 283-302, 2014, 物理

The positive muon implanted in metals – a story full of surprises, Erik B. Karlsson, The European Physical Journal H, 39, 3, 303-323, 2014, 物理

Cauchy’s almost forgotten Lagrangian formulation of the Euler equation for 3D incompressible flow, Uriel Frisch, The European Physical Journal H, 39, 3, 325-351, 2014, 物理

Einstein’s steady-state theory: an abandoned model of the cosmos, Cormac O’Raifeartaigh, The European Physical Journal H, 39, 3, 353-367, 2014, 物理

Astronomer R.G. Chandra: In the Light of His Anglo-American Connection, Saibal Ray, The European Physical Journal H, 39, 3, 369-387, 2014, 物理

The first measurement of the deflection of the vertical in longitude, Andreas Schrimpf, The European Physical Journal H, 39, 3, 389-402, 2014, 物理





The ‘Chemistry of Space’: The Sources of Hermann Grassmann's Scientific Achievements, Hans-Joachim Petsche, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 522-576, 2014, 化学

The first metals in Mendeleiev’s Table: Part II. A new argument against the placement of hydrogen atop the alkali metal column, Raymundo Hernández, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 177-180, 2014, 化学

Linking chemistry with physics: arguments and counterarguments, Olimpia Lombardi, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 181-192, 2014, 化学

Linking chemistry with physics: a reply to Lombardi, Hinne Hettema, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 193-200, 2014, 化学

Chain reactions, “impossible” reactions, and panenmentalist possibilities, Amihud Gilead, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 201-214, 2014, 化学

Similarity and representation in chemical knowledge practices, Juan Bautista Bengoetxea, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 215-233, 2014, 化学,

Adequacy of the new formulation of the Periodic Law when fundamental variations occur in blocks and periods, Naum S. Imyanitov, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 235-247, 2014, 化学

Ulf Lagerkvist: Erling Norrby (ed.): The periodic table and a missed Nobel Prize, George B. Kauffman, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 249-251, 2014, 化学

Eric Scerri: A tale of 7 elements, George B. Kauffman, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 253-256, 2014, 化学

Eric Scerri (ed): 30-Second elements: the 50 most significant elements, each explained in half a minute, George B. Kauffman, Foundations of Chemistry, 16, 3, 257-258, 2014, 化学





Ferdinand Verbiest’s 1668 observation of an unidentified celestial phenomenon in Peking, its lost Chinese description and some parallel observations, especially in Korea, Noël Golvers, Almagest    , 5, 1, 32-51, 2014, 天文

Knut Lundmark, Meteors and an Early Swedish Crowdsourcing Experiment, Johan Kärnfelt, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 449-473, 2014, 天文

From Earth-Bound to Satellite: Telescopes, Skills and Networks, Barbara J. Becker, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 579-581, 2014, 天文, 书评


Sacred Words and Worlds: Geography, Religion, and Scholarship, 1550–1700, Adam Mosley, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 577-579, 2014, 地学, 书评





Turbulent Times in Mathematics: The Life of J. C. Fields and the History of the Fields Medal, Craig Fraser, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 590-592, 2014, 生物, 书评

New insights into vegetation dynamics and settlement history in Hümmling, north-western Germany, with particular reference to the Neolithic, Annette Kramer, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 461-478, 2014, 生物

Holocene climate, fire and vegetation dynamics at the treeline in the Northwestern Swiss Alps, Christoph Schwörer, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 479-496, 2014, 生物

Landscape history, calcareous fen development and historical events in the Slovak Eastern Carpathians, Eva Jamrichová, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 497-513, 2014, 生物

Palynological evidence of mead: a prehistoric drink dating back to the 3rd millennium b.c., Dagfinn Moe, Klaus Oeggl, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 515-526, 2014, 生物

Inter-proxy evidence for the development of the Amazonian mangroves during the Holocene, Marlon C. França, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 527-542, 2014, 生物

Condiments before Claudius: new plant foods at the Late Iron Age oppidum at Silchester, UK, Lisa Lodwick, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 543-549, 2014, 生物

Evidence of ‘new glume wheat’ from the Late Neolithic (Copper Age) of south-eastern Hungary (4th millennium cal. b.c.), Árpád Kenéz, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 551-566, 2014, 生物

On the origins and spread of Olea europaea L. (olive) domestication: evidence for shape variation of olive stones at Ugarit, Late Bronze Age, Syria—a window on the Mediterranean Basin and on the westward diffusion of olive varieties, Claire Newton, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 567-575, 2014, 生物

Archaeobotanical remains found in a house at the archaeological site of Cardonal, valle del Cajón, Argentina: a view of food practices 1,800 years ago, C. Marilin Calo, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 577-590, 2014, 生物

Archaeological charcoals as archives for firewood preferences and vegetation composition during the late Holocene in the southern Mayumbe, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Wannes Hubau, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 591-606, 2014, 生物

Forage quality of leaf-fodder from the main broad-leaved woody species and its possible consequences for the Holocene development of forest vegetation in Central Europe, Pavla Hejcmanová, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 607-613, 2014, 生物

Four levels of patterns in tree-rings: an archaeological approach to dendroecology, Niels Bleicher, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 615-627, 2014, 生物

The potential role of humans in structuring the wooded landscapes of Mesolithic Ireland: a review of data and discussion of approaches, Graeme Warren, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany  , 23, 5, 629-646, 2014, 生物

Marphysa cinari, a new species of Eunicidae (Polychaeta) from the coasts of Turkey (eastern Mediterranean) and re-descriptions of Marphysa kinbergi McIntosh, 1910 andMarphysa disjuncta Hartman, 1961, Güley Kurt Sahin, Journal of Natural History   , 33-34, 1989-2006, 2014, 生物

Morphological variation of Eucyclops elegans (Herrick, 1884) (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in the Americas and comments on records of Eucyclops conrowae Reid, 1992, Nancy F. Mercado-Salas, Journal of Natural History   , 33-34, 2007-2026, 2014, 生物

Review of the parasitic genus Epipenaeon Nobili, 1906 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae), with new records and redescription of four species from China, Jianmei An, Journal of Natural History   , 33-34, 2027-2048, 2014, 生物

Two new species of Sinelobus Sieg, 1980 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Tanaididae), and a correction to the higher taxonomic nomenclature, Roger N Bamber, Journal of Natural History   , 33-34, 2049-2068, 2014, 生物

A remarkable new genus of Oncopoduridae (Collembola) from China, Daoyuan Yu, Journal of Natural History   , 33-34,  2069-2082, 2014, 生物

A new species of the subterranean genus Oodinotrechus Uéno, 1998, from northern Guangxi, China, with additions to the generic diagnosis (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae), Ming-Yi Tian, Journal of Natural History   , 33-34,  2097-2104, 2014, 生物

Deltochilini and Phanaeini dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in introduced and native ecosystems of Brazil, Anderson Puker, Journal of Natural History   , 35-36, , 2105-2116, 2014, 生物

A taxonomic revision of the Patagonian species of the Dasyhelea mutabilis species group with a phylogenetic analysis of New World species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), Florentina Díaz, Journal of Natural History   , 35-36,  2117-2175, 2014, 生物

The type species of the bee genus Epicharis Klug, 1807 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Gabriel A.R. Melo, Journal of Natural History   , 35-36,  2177-2181, 2014, 生物

Strong phenological differences between two populations of a Neotropical funnel-web wolf spider, Macarena González, Journal of Natural History   , 35-36, , 2183-2197, 2014, 生物,

First record of the genus Arphthicarus Niedbała (Acari: Oribatida: Phthiracaridae) from China, with descriptions of two new species, Dong LiuDonghui Wu , Journal of Natural History   , 35-36, , 2199-2206, 2014, 生物,

Chorion surface ultrastructure of loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus: adaptation to the environment and correlation with the reproductive strategy, Shiyong Yang, Journal of Natural History   , 35-36, , 2207-2218, 2014, 生物,

Diversity of leaf-litter anurans in a fragmented landscape of the Atlantic Plateau of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, , Journal of Natural History   , 35-36, , 2219-2234, 2014, 生物,




The Sciences of the Soul: the Early Modern Origins of Psychology, L.S. Jacyna, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 585-586, 2014, 心理学, 书评





Redefining the food desert: combining GIS with direct observation to measure food access, Mark S. LeClair, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 537-547, 2014, 农业

Wisconsin’s “Happy Cows”? Articulating heritage and territory as new dimensions of locality, Sarah Bowen, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 549-562, 2014, 农业

Uneven and unequal people-centered development: the case of Fair Trade and Malawi sugar producers, David P. Phillips, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 563-576, 2014, 农业

Co-operative or coyote? Producers’ choice between intermediary purchasers and Fairtrade and organic co-operatives in Chiapas, Anna Birgitte Milford, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 577-591, 2014, 农业

She works hard for the money: women in Kansas agriculture, Jennifer A. Ball, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 593-605, 2014, 农业

“Si no comemos tortilla, no vivimos:” women, climate change, and food security in central Mexico, Beth A. Bee, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 607-620, 2014, 农业

Transitions to agroecological farming systems in the Mississippi River Basin: toward an integrated socioecological analysis, Jennifer Blesh, Steven A. Wolf, Agriculture & Human Values , 31,4, 621-635, 2014, 农业

Case studies on smallholder farmer voice: an introduction to a special symposium, Harvey S. James Jr., Iddisah Sulemana, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 637-641, 2014, 农业

“No one asks for a meal they’ve never eaten.” Or, do African farmers want genetically modified crops?, Matthew A. Schnurr, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 643-648, 2014, 农业

The problem with the farmer’s voice, Glenn Davis Stone, Andrew Flachs, Agriculture & Human Values , 31,4, 649-653, 2014, 农业

Silenced voices, vital arguments: smallholder farmers in the Mexican GM maize controversy, Susana Carro-Ripalda, Marta Astier, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 655-663, 2014, 农业

Choice and voice: creating a community of practice in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Mary K. Hendrickson, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 665-672, 2014, 农业

Using translational research to enhance farmers’ voice: a case study of the potential introduction of GM cassava in Kenya’s coast, Corinne Valdivia, M. Kengo Danda, Dekha Sheikh…, Agriculture & Human Values , 31, 4, 673-681, 2014, 农业

Seema Arora-Jonsson: Gender, development and environmental governance—theorizing connections, Maria E. Fernandez, Agriculture & Human Values , 31,4, 683-684, 2014, 农业

Alison Hope Alkon and Julian Agyeman (eds.): Cultivating food justice: race, class, and sustainability, Rachel S. Madsen, Agriculture & Human Values , 31,4, 685-686, 2014, 农业

David L. Brown and Kai A. Schafft: Rural people and communities in the twentyfirst century: resilience and transformation, Lauren Renée Moore, Agriculture & Human Values , 31,4, 687-688, 2014, 农业

Elizabeth Finnis: Reimaging marginalized foods: global processes, local places, Taylor Cain, Agriculture & Human Values , 31,4, 689-690, 2014, 农业

Anthony Winson: The industrial diet: the degradation of food and the struggle for healthy eating, Harvey S. James Jr., Agriculture & Human Values , 31,4, 691-692, 2014, 农业





Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth Century Britain: The Reality of a Fashionable Disorder / Desperate Housewives, Neuroses and the Domestic Environment, 1945–1970, Carole Reeves, Annals of Science, 71, 4, 592-595, 2014, 医学, 书评

Zum Transfer von Psychiatrie: Narrative, Termini und transkulturelle Psychiatrie in Japan, Bernhard Leitner, NTM  , 22, 3, 163-180, 2014, 医学

Avatars, Illness, and Authority: Embodied Experience in Breast Cancer Autopathographics , Emily Waples, Configurations, 22, 2, 153-181, 2014, 医学

Graphic Analysis: Transitional Phenomena in Alison Bechdel’s Are You My Mother? , Lisa Diedrich, Configurations, 22, 2, 183-203, 2014, 医学

“Harry” , “Harry” , Configurations, 22, 2, 205-206, 2014, 医学

The Trauma of Diagnosis: Picturing Cancer in Graphic Memoir , Nancy K. Miller, Configurations, 22, 2, 207-223, 2014, 医学

“My Avatar”; “In the Waiting Room”; “Dr. Sweater” , Nancy K. Miller, Configurations, 22, 2, 224-226, 2014, 医学

“Cruel to Be Kind” , Ian Williams, Configurations, 22, 2, 227-228, 2014, 医学

“Kancer Sutra” , Isobel Williams, Configurations, 22, 2, 229-236, 2014, 医学

Representations of Health, Embodiment, and Experience in Graphic Memoir , Courtney Donovan, Configurations, 22, 2, 237-253, 2014, 医学

“You Silly Little Girl”; “Ultrasound”, “Pregnancy Test”; “Lost vs. Loss” , Paula Knight, Configurations, 22, 2, 255-261, 2014, 医学

Becoming Bone Sheep , Martina Schlünder, Configurations, 22, 2, 263-294, 2014, 医学

Biological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells, and the Future of Kinship by Sarah B. Franklin (review) , Sara DiCaglio, Configurations, 22, 2, 295-297, 2014, 医学, 书评

The Rhetoric of Pregnancy by Marika Seigel (review) , Heather Latimer, Configurations, 22, 2, 297-298, 2014, 医学, 书评

Lighter Than My Shadow by Katie Green (review) , Michelle N. Huang, Configurations, 22, 2, 299-301, 2014, 医学, 书评

The Founding of Walter Reed General Hospital and the Beginning of Modern Institutional Army Medical Care in the United States, Jessica L. Adler, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 521-553, 2014, 医学

Environmentalist Thinking and the Question of Disease Causation in Late Spanish Philippines, Raquel A. G. Reyes, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 554-579, 2014, 医学

Modern Medical Science and the Divine Providence of God: Rethinking the Place of Religion in Postwar U.S. Medical History, Janet GoldenEmily K. Abel, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 580-603, 2014, 医学

The Testing of Sanocrysin: Science, Profit, and Innovation in Clinical Trial Design, 1926–31, Joseph M. Gabriel, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 604-632, 2014, 医学

Bedside Teaching and the Acquisition of Practical Skills in Mid-Sixteenth-Century Padua, Michael Stolberg, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 633-661, 2014, 医学

Just What Do Physicians Do?: Unexpected Continuities from Sixteenth-Century Padua, Joel Howell, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 662-664, 2014, 医学

Medical Saints: Cosmas and Damian in a Postmodern World by Jacalyn Duffin (review), Candy Gunther Brown, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 665-667, 2014, 医学

Medieval Medicine: The Art of Healing from Head to Toe by Luke Demaitre (review), Fred Gibbs, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 667-669, 2014, 医学

Medicine, Law and the State in Imperial Russia by Elisa M. Becker (review), Christopher Burton, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 670-671, 2014, 医学

The Anatomy Murders: Being the True and Spectacular History of Edinburgh’s Notorious Burke and Hare and the Man of Science Who Abetted Them in the Commission of Their Most Heinous Crimes by Lisa Rosner (review), Elizabeth Stephens, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 672-673, 2014, 医学

Medicine and the Saints: Science, Islam, and the Colonial Encounter in Morocco, 1877–1956 by Ellen J. Amster (review), Jonathan G. Katz, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 673-676, 2014, 医学,

Disabled Children: Contested Caring, 1850–1979 ed. by Anne Borsay and Pamela Dale (review), Kim E. Nielsen, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 676-678, 2014, 医学

Plague, Fear, and Politics in San Francisco’s Chinatown by Guenter B. Risse (review), Lisa A. Mix, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 678-680, 2014, 医学

The Last Plague: Spanish Influenza and the Politics of Public Health in Canada by Mark Osborne Humphries (review), Kirsten Moore, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 680-682, 2014, 医学

Racial Science in Hitler’s New Europe, 1938–1945 ed. by Anton Weiss-Wendt and Rory Yeomans (review), Richard Weikart, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 682-684, 2014, 医学

The Science of Human Perfection: How Genes Became the Heart of American Medicine by Nathaniel Comfort (review), Luis Campos, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 685-687, 2014, 医学

Telling Genes: The Story of Genetic Counseling in America by Alexandra Minna Stern (review), Andrew J. Hogan, Journal of History of Medicine&Allied Sciences, 69, 4, 687-689, 2014, 医学




Plato on Iron Reduction Technique (Ti. 60d2-5), Irini-Fotini Viltanioti, Almagest    , 5, 1, 22-31, 2014, 技术